Lessons From Little Ones Matthew 18
I. Become Like Them, 1-5
Our goal: maturity (“I’m not a child”) Jesus: revert (be a child) – conversion 1. Humble 2. Teachable 3. Innocent “Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion” – Ro.12:16 Ancient world: child = non- person. Receive one = receive Christ. Ancient world: child = non- person. Receive one = receive Christ.
I. Become Like Them, 1-5 II. Build Them Up, 6-7
Little child (1-5) = Believer (6) Handle with care Do not cause one to sin Punishment Sea, Rv.21:1 Lake, Rv.20:15 Offenses must come God’s permission Satan’s hatred Our evil choice
I. Become Like Them, 1-5 III. Bless Yourself, 8-9 II. Build Them Up, 6-7
Extreme measures Sinful hand... foot... eye (8-9) Warning – Avoid sin at all cost. Sacrifice most cherished things. Avoid sin at all cost. Sacrifice most cherished things.
I. Become Like Them, 1-5 IV. Bless Little Ones, 10 II. Build Them Up, 6-7 III. Bless Yourself, 8-9
Do not despise one... Look down on someone with contempt (as object of little value) Angels care Father cares (14, 19, 35). Isa.37:22-23 ONE non-person: 1 smallest 1 smallest number 2 lowliest 2 lowliest person ONE non-person: 1 smallest 1 smallest number 2 lowliest 2 lowliest person
I. Become Like Them, 1-5 V. Bring Them Back, II. Build Them Up, 6-7 III. Bless Yourself, 8-9 IV. Bless Little Ones, 10
Jesus, the loving Shepherd Sheep should not wander – A. No offensive / defensive weapons; no speed; no armor. B. Directionally challenged. C. Surrounded by enemies; nature. 1. Shepherd’s journey, Shepherd’s joy, Shepherd’s journey, Shepherd’s joy, 13
Concern of Shepherd / Father “So”– Father’s will: do not lose one, 14 Seek stubborn brother, Goal – 1. Shepherd’s journey, Shepherd’s joy, Father’s joy, (Lk.15) 1. Shepherd’s journey, Shepherd’s joy, Father’s joy, (Lk.15) Gain brother (1 Pt.3:1) and self
Math or Mercy? (21-22) Peter grants necessity of forgiveness Issue: is there a limit? Three times seems enough Seven times seems generous Jesus: throw away calculator
Math or Mercy? (21-22) Correct answer: parable (23-35) Verse 24 10,000: largest Greek number Talent: largest unit of currency 10,000 T: 60 million days’ wages One Talent: 20 years’ wages Laborer: $15.00/hr., 2000 hrs./year: $30, One Talent: $600,000 10,000 Talents: $6 billion Verse 24 10,000: largest Greek number Talent: largest unit of currency 10,000 T: 60 million days’ wages One Talent: 20 years’ wages Laborer: $15.00/hr., 2000 hrs./year: $30, One Talent: $600,000 10,000 Talents: $6 billion
Arithmetic or mercy? (21-22) Correct answer: parable (23-35) Verse denarii: about 20 weeks’ wages Laborer: $15.00/hr., 2000 hrs./year: $12,000 Verse denarii: about 20 weeks’ wages Laborer: $15.00/hr., 2000 hrs./year: $12,000
Lessons: 1. Imitate (3-5) 2. Edify (6-10) 3. Respect (10) 4. Restore (11-14) 5. Gain (15-20) 6. Forgive (21-35) The rest is commentary
Commentary (1) 1. God: unparalleled mercy, unbelievable torture (34) Jesus sees nothing strange in such extremes: mercy & wrath We owe debt that we cannot pay If forgiven, we owe another debt...
Commentary (2) 1. God: unparalleled mercy, unbelievable torture (34) 2. Sinner: received incredible act of mercy, but gave no mercy Beware mistreating one child, believer, sinner, debtor. Mt.25:40, 45 God is perfect example, Ep.4:32-5:2 His forgiveness is conditional “I can forgive but I can’t forget” ? ?
Commentary (3) 1. God: unparalleled mercy, unbelievable torture (34) 2. Sinner: received incredible act of mercy, but gave no mercy 3. Saint: receives incredible act of mercy, and gives mercy Our job is forgiving, not misgiving about anyone’s sincerity, Lk.17:3-4