WG3. Early idenification and referral
Importance Evidence on impact on reduction of drinking level Cost –effective measure Seen more as supportive and not only punitive and disciplinary
General ideas Embedded in a broader health perspective Health approach and not punitive (disciplinary) If OHS is best conditions If no OHS the manager or the owner are responsible Difficult in small companies, confidentiality and support needed Part of employee’s assistance programmes Differences among countries (legal issues)
Elements Self assessment tools (anonimous) - check your drinking (step beyond raising awareness) – On-line /leaflets /Postal questionnaires – Self help elements (groups and on-line tools), companies and individuals proactive on health Identification by a third person (sensitive) – – Screening (AUDIT) only in regular health checks (doctor) – Violates the rights (exception of safety reasons) – Only if suspicious – interview and if there is a health problem – address it directly and offer help if continuing drinking disciplinary measures OH doctors, supervisors, managers, any one responsible of personnel, health resources, etc.
Elements Intervention (adapted according to level of problems) – Brief advice for hazardous and harmful (managers, supervisors, etc) – Clinical intervention (doctor) not forced (poor performance) for more severe cases Employee’s support programme Health professionals or comissioned by health service Voluntary basis of employees
Discussion elements Self-help assessment is an element of raising awareness or of early identification Early identification signs of alcohol problems is part of the targeted training or of early identification element
Programmes Mike – wigan’s Stuart – Alcohollearningcentre.org.uk resources for alcohol improvement inc. Identification & Brief Advice (IBA) Natascha – guidelines translated into English Peter – prevention standards