Octobret 06 The European Technology Platform for Embedded Systems From R&D to Competitiveness Laila Gide THALES Octobre 24th, 2006
2 LG-Octobre 2006 Embedding intelligence everywhere consumer electronics, mobile devices, automotive, avionics, telecoms, manufacturing automation, medical devices,... Strong Drivers Miniaturisation and anywhere/anything connectivity Convergence and consumerisation An important stake for Europe Huge growth potential EU industry could get a leading position But : Industry under huge competitive pressure Complexity becomes unmanageable Difficult technological challenges Skills gap EU research landscape fragmented ARTEMIS : Embedded Intelligence Platform Motivation
3 LG-Octobre 2006 ARTEMIS Members 9 of the 25 top-ranked EU companies are members of the ARTEMIS Board spending 31 b/y in R&D (30% of total R&D of TOP500 EU companies) ARTEMIS Members
4 LG-Octobre 2006 Common objectives: Sustainability Design Efficiency Ease of Use High added value Time to market Modularity Safety / Security Robustness Competitiveness Innovation Cost reduction Interoperability ARTEMIS research cuts barriers between application sectors, stimulating creativity and yielding multi-domain, re-usable results ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda
5 LG-Octobre 2006 The Artemis Strategic Agenda ARTEMIS SRA – Holistic vision ARTEMIS SRA assumes an inclusive approach: A well calibrated R&D Strategy addressing the Research Priorities and challenges A holistic new approach to make it happen by creating : –an ARTEMIS Innovation Environment including new Industrial Eco-systems for a more effective relationship between Research activities and product development : Demonstrators Synergies between Academia and Industry : Research Infrastructures Standards and Regulations Linking Education and Industry –A synergetic approach for coordinating European Research Resources [Financing mechanisms and instruments for the JU)] ARTEMIS Strategic Research Agenda
6 LG-Octobre 2006 ARTEMIS Making it happen: Innovation Environment Research Infrastructur e Standards & Regulation International Cooperation Education & Training Industry Academia Engagement industry ( Corporates and SMEs) & academia Innovative mechanisms for coupling Industry & Academia Overcome the gap between academic education & practice in industrial applications and Development of new combinations of skills Establish Centers of Excellence For Implementing Industrial research vision : Demonstrators platforms Fostering ARTEMIS standards as a worldwide basis. Mutualisation of resources. ARTEMIS policies, procedures and processes will establish a new holistic approach to research, technology development, innovation and skill creation in a distributed industrial context of eco-alliances and co- opetition.