2010 Results
Today’s Agenda Results Summary 2010 CQS Strengths and Opportunities CQS Benchmarks Demographics Next Steps
Survey Participation Higher is better Note: Survey administered 11 times since 2000.
Key Findings Highest participation level ever with 239 completed surveys. Sixty-seven percent of employees were satisfied or very satisfied in 2010 as compared to 62% in 2009 and 56% in The highest satisfaction rate was 77% in All but 9 items improved over All 9 lower results within.08 yr to yr. All but 1 item scored higher than 2008 levels.
New Items in this Year’s Survey Faculty and staff demonstrate ethical behavior in decisions, actions and stakeholder interactions. Goddard Library provides appropriate services and resources to support teaching and learning. Learning is enhanced by the technology and media support provided in my class and/or meeting room(s). Senior leaders foster and model an ethical work environment. The Duplicating Center processes and completes my requests in an efficient manner. The training and resources (D2L, in-services, one-on-one training, etc.) provided by Educational Technology have proved beneficial to me in my work. Work area copiers are maintained properly so I am able to complete my local tasks on time and provide professional results.
The Duplicating Center processes and completes my requests in an efficient manner. 4.24* Goddard Library provides appropriate services and resources to support teaching and learning. 4.03* On the whole, campus facilities and grounds are well maintained Work area copiers are maintained properly so I am able to complete my local tasks on time and provide professional results. 3.96* RCTC Help Desk Services (Technology Support Center) effectively resolves my technology problem(s) Strengths: 5 Highest Rated Items Note: * 3 out of 5 of the highest rated items were new this year.
Strengths: Items with Improvement >0.2 Items RCTC involves its faculty and staff in planning for the future RCTC has computer systems which are "user-friendly" for faculty, staff and students Faculty and Staff morale at RCTC is positive I understand the goals of the college and my role in helping to achieve them RCTC Help Desk Services (Technology Support Center) effectively resolves my technology problem(s)
Ways to Build on Strengths... 1.Provide positive feedback to the campus. 2.Use high performing areas as models for other departments. 3.Incorporate strengths into your recruiting/marketing messages. 4.Communicate results. 5.Celebrate.
There are effective lines of communication between departments at the college Processes for selecting, orienting, training, empowering and recognizing personnel are carefully planned Employees are rewarded for outstanding job performance Faculty and Staff morale at RCTC is positive Employee suggestions are used to improve our institution Opportunities: 5 Lowest Rated Items Note: All items listed have been the lowest rated items for the past 4 years or longer.
2010 Lowest 5: There are effective lines of communication between departments at the college. Scores: Total: 2.69 Between 5 and 15 Years: 2.50
2010 Lowest 5: Processes for selecting, orienting, training, empowering and recognizing personnel are carefully planned. Scores: Total: 2.76 Between 5 and 15 Years: 2.52
2010 Lowest 5: Employees are rewarded for outstanding job performance. Scores: Total: 2.76 Between 5 and 15 Years: 2.48
2010 Lowest 5: Employee suggestions are used to improve our institution Scores: Total: 2.91 Support Staff: 2.60
2010 Lowest 5: Faculty and staff morale at RCTC is positive. Scores: Total: 2.75 Support Staff: 2.37
Ways to Improve... 1.Go deeper by conducting focus groups. 2.Prioritize what has most impact. 3.Develop action steps. 4.Act. 5.Periodically check progress. 6.Celebrate improvement. 7.Enhance communications to Stakeholders
New benchmark for 2010: Technology Support. Includes 8 mostly new items. Nine of the benchmarks measured in the survey improved from 2009 scores. One of the benchmarks decreased from 2009 scores: Employee Training and Recognition 3.00 down 0.03 CQS Benchmarks Summary
Highest rated benchmarks were: – Technology Support 3.85 – Customer Focus 3.77 – Quality Assurance 3.51 Benchmarks showing the most improvement were: – Customer Focus 3.77 up 0.19 – Strategic Quality Planning 3.40 up 0.13 – Innovation 3.27 up 0.11 – Quality and Productivity Improvement 3.28 up 0.11 CQS Benchmarks Strengths
CQS Benchmark Overview
Customer Focus Benchmark Note: * 5 new items *
Customer Focus Benchmark Breakdown
Employee Empowerment and Teamwork Benchmark Note: * 1 new item *
Employee Empowerment and Teamwork Benchmark Breakdown
Employee Training and Recognition Benchmark
Measurement and Analysis Benchmark
Measurement and Analysis Benchmark Breakdown
Quality Assurance Benchmark
Quality Assurance Benchmark Breakdown
Quality and Productivity Improvement Benchmark
Quality and Productivity Improvement Benchmark Breakdown
Strategic Quality Planning Benchmark
Strategic Quality Planning Benchmark Breakdown
Top Management Leadership and Support Benchmark Note: * 1 new item *
Top Management Leadership and Support Benchmark Breakdown
Workforce Engagement Benchmark
Workforce Engagement Benchmark Breakdown
Workforce Innovation Benchmark
Workforce Innovation Benchmark Breakdown
Technology Support Benchmark Breakdown Overall benchmark score: First Year
2010: Which of the following best describes your position at RCTC?
2010: Which best describes your employment status?
2010: I have worked at RCTC for:
I have worked at RCTC for:
2010: Overall Satisfaction with Employment
Overall Satisfaction with Employment
Satisfied or Very Satisfied by Tenure: (% Satisfied or Very Satisfied)
Satisfied or Very Satisfied by Position: (% Satisfied or Very Satisfied)
2010: What is your overall impression of quality at RCTC?
What is your overall impression of quality at RCTC?
Impression of Quality by Tenure: (% Good or Excellent)
Impression of Quality by Position: (% Good or Excellent)
2010: I would recommend RCTC as a place to work.
I would recommend RCTC as a place to work
% Would Recommend as a Place to Work by Tenure: (% Agree or Strongly Agree)
% Would Recommend as a Place to Work by Position: (% Agree or Strongly Agree)
2010: I would recommend RCTC as a school to attend (to friends, family, etc.)
I would recommend RCTC as a school to attend.
2010: I would recommend RCTC as a school to attend (by position)
2010: How satisfied are you that this campus demonstrates a commitment to meeting the needs of:
Campus Quality Survey 2010 Qualitative Comments
What happens next with the data is most important
Questions to Consider What are you going to do (goals, strategies, actions)? When are you going to do it (timelines, short-term, longer-term)? Who is responsible for doing it (person, team, department)? What resources are needed (budget, staffing, technology, etc.)? How will you know it has been accomplished (dashboard measures)?
Inform the campus how you responded