State of the Practice for ITS Data Archiving: Regional Data Archive and Performance Measures Robert L. Bertini Portland State University North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition & Conference San Diego, California June 30, 2004
2 Objectives Introduction to Data Archiving Project National ITS Architecture and ADUS Introduce Portland Regional ADUS Describe Architecture Describe Database Processing and Storage Data Analysis and Visualization Conclusions and Next Steps
3 Introduction Guiding Principles “Data are too valuable to only use once.”
4 Introduction Guiding Principles “ Management of the transportation system cannot be done without knowledge of its performance.”
5 National ITS Architecture Major Components Travel and Traffic Management Public Transportation Management Electronic Payment Commercial Vehicles Operations Emergency Management Advanced Vehicle Safety Systems Information Management Maintenance and Construction Management
6 Overview: Relational Diagram of ITS Architecture Source: Guidelines for Developing ITS Data Archiving Systems
7 Archived Data User Service (ADUS) is Born ITS Architecture 1999 USDOT Vision for ADUS: “Improve transportation decisions through the archiving and sharing of ITS generated data.” Principles of ADUS to Achieve Vision All ITS deployments should consider data archiving Archive data to maximize integration with other data sources and systems Archive data in a way that eases retrieval for those with access Provide information that is integral to transportation practice
8 Archived Data User Service (ADUS) is Born ADUS Standards Operational Data Control: by managing operations data integrity Data Import and Verification: through historical data Automatic Data Historical Archive: with a permanent data archive Data Warehouse Distribution: which integrates the planning, safety, operations and research communities and processes data for these communities ITS Community Interface: by providing a common interface to all ITS users for data products specification and retrieval
9 Who Can Use Archived ITS Data Stakeholders Transportation Planning Transportation System Monitoring Air Quality Analysis MPO/State Freight and Intermodal Planning Land Use/Growth Management Planning Transportation Administrators and Policy Analysis Traffic Management Transit Management Construction and Maintenance Safety Planning and Administration Commercial Vehicle Operations Emergency Management Transportation Research Private Sector
10 Data Resources Potential Archiving Applications Traffic Surveillance Fare/Toll Systems Incident Management Traffic Video Environmental CVO Traffic Control Highway/Rail Emergency Response ITSDataArchivesITSDataArchives Performance Monitoring National reporting Performance-based planning Evaluations Public Reactions Long Range Planning TRANSIMS IDAS Four step models Transit routes Operations Planning Incident management ER deployment Signal timing Transit service Travel Time Forecasting Customized route planning ATIS Advisories Other Stakeholder Functions Safety Land use Air quality Maintenance management
11 ADUS Architecture: Implementing a Successful Data Archive A Few Examples of Existing Systems California PeMS - only statewide system Puget Sound (WSDOT/TRAC) - started small and successfully expanded San Antonio, TX TransGuide, Datalink system Lessons Learned from Existing Systems Begin with a single data source Provide data through the web or CD subscription Create a user friendly interface Save raw data Make aggregate data available to users Implement data quality control measures Create adequate documentation of system and metadata
12 Portland ADUS PSU Designated Regional Archive Center
13 Portland ADUS PSU Designated Regional Archive Center Through regional cooperation, Portland State University is the regional center for collecting, coordinating and disseminating variable sources of transportation data and derived performance measures. Portland ITS data will be warehoused at their most raw level. A user interface for extracting relevant performance measures in real time and historical data is being implemented.
14 Portland ADUS Data Sources Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Freeway loop detector data Incident data National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Weather data Portland Metropolitan Transit Agency (Tri-Met) Automatic vehicle location (AVL) poll data Bus dispatch system (BDS) data City of Portland Traffic signal count/speed data Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) ODOT Weigh-in-motion data
15 Portland ADUS Portland Regional Infrastructure 77 CCTV Cameras 18 Variable Message Signs (VMS) 436 Inductive Loop Detectors 118 Ramp Meters TriMet Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and Bus Dispatch System (BDS) Extensive Fiber Optics Network
16 ADUS Architecture Fiber Optic Data Connection Rich Johnson, City of Portland
17 Portland ADUS Architecture Data Flows
18 Portland ADUS Architecture Database Back End/ Web Front End Database Back End SQL relational database 200 MB per day of raw data 75 GB per year High capacity disk array 5 MB compressed for download Off-site backup server Daily backups Uninterruptible power Web-based interface Easily accessible User-friendly PHP language
Database Processing and Storage Web Interface is Up and Running
20 Database Processing and Storage Data Fidelity Loop health analysis Proven techniques to prevent propagation of error Aggregation Levels Raw 20-second loop detector data collected Useful for research Large data sets Previously difficult to manage and organize High resolution aggregates 5 and 15 minute aggregates Flow, speed and occupancy characteristics retained VMT, VHT, travel time, delay added Useful for research and planning purposes Lower resolutions aggregates Hourly or Daily VMT, VHT, travel time, delay Increased processing speed for long term overviews
Data Analysis and Visualization Contour Plots
Data Analysis and Visualization Time Series Plots
Data Analysis and Visualization Data Fidelity
24 Next Steps Expanding Archive Functionality Data from: TriMet Washington State DOT City of Portland ODOT WIM Data Additional processing tools and performance measures
Acknowledgments National Science Foundation Oregon Department of Transportation City of Portland TriMet Portland State University Oregon Engineering and Technology Industry Council
26 Feedback Your Opinions and Suggestions Please let us know what you think about existing or future: Data sources Performance measures Data visualizations and summaries Contact us: