1 FINAL PRESENTATION By: Vedran Palajić and Sarah Kuria
2 What is ? The Visual Architecture System utilizes Eclipse plugins to provide a means to Design, Edit and Debug Simple Component architecture, simulating low level programming DESIGN EDITING RUNNING & DEBUGGING
3 Overview Project Work Summary Project Experiences System Requirements System Design Demonstration
4 Project Work Summary Working Hours Milestones Implementation Task Assignment Scheduling
5 Project Work: Working Hours - Prashanta Paudel Peter van Heck Sarah Njeri Kuria Ilirjana Ame Vedran Palajić Dražen Lučanin 249
6 Project Work: Milestones M-001Basic understanding M-002Writing 'hello world' M-003Alpha prototype M-004Beta prototype M-005Release candidate On Track Slightly off Track Off Track Keys Milestones Status
7 Project Work: Implementation Assessing the Plan -Basic Functionality Implemented Communication -Skype, Google, TeamViewer Syncronization -Constant Dialog and Discussions Problems & Solutions -Christmas break, illness, Computer failure, exams
8 Design Editing Running & Debugging GMF, Xtext, Acceleo Debugger & Interpreter Project Work: Task Assignment
9 Project Work: Scheduling Several New Technologies to be grasped Minimal or Outdated Technical Support More time needed for: testing, coding
10 Project Cost : Calculated by Working hrs Current planned cost 1440 Current actual cost Planned project cost 1440 Forecast of project cost
11 Overall features of system Three parts supporting all which was necessary to fulfill requirements Comunication between some parts not working Summary: requirements mostly fulfilled, but some still not
12 Using Eclipse plugin technology Very strong and usefull if used properly Important non-functional and dificult requirement
13 Parts for architecture design GMF seams like a very strong tool but it was hard for us to acess it from other components
14 Architecture design use case
15 Parts of assemby code input Alows student to input assembly code Done completly in Eclipse Xtext Xtext proved to be very strong and relativly easy to use at the same time
16 Code input use case
17 Debugging the assembly code Alows student to debugg the writen code Done mostly using Debugger plugin Interpreter which is called trough debug interface was writen manualy Comunication with architecture is not implemented
18 Debugging process use case
20 Demonstration
21 Questions