Proposed FWP request for 2012 Gyorgy Rethy
Background Currently 30 CRs are open, by experience we expect ~20 new CRs by the end of the year TTCN-3 standards consists now 14 documents, altogether almost 1300 pages (including the 2 new extension packages) Many users, like Ericsson, using the language heavily that gene- rates needs for clarifications, extensions and bug corrections TTCN-3 is THE standard test script language used in several standards organization 3GPP requests continuous maintenance Testing practice is facing new paradigms as MBT and using high- level test definition that needs to be considered and answered in TTCN-3 as well 2
Proposed FWP request Purpose: - TTCN-3 language maintenance and extensions as normally (on user request, working on CRs) - Discuss and prepare proposals for TTCN-3 presentation format for MBT, and Graphical format for TP specification and logging Requested resource: 82 Mdays (4 experts, 4*1 week sessions, plus 2 days for dministration) 1 expert travel to T3UC 2012 and 1 expert travel to MTS mtg.