Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone1 The mobile phone: the future all-in-one medical device Torbjorn Sund, Telenor R&D (Norway) Wireless hospitals
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone2 The mobile phone: the future all-in-one medical device At the scene of an accident Emergency calls in intensive care For hospital workers on the move Within telemedicine / teleradiology For home care workers During short-term follow-up on acute cases In long-term monitoring of chronic diseases For the supervision of people with dementia …
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone3 Emergencies & (large) accidents
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone4 Emergencies & accidents (ctd) Site of accident Gathering point Ambulance A1 Ambulance A2 Hospital 1 Hospital 2 Hospital 3 …
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone5 Post-operative surveillance
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone6 ICU data on a personal mobile
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone7 Hospital worker Mobile: - moves about at work, - accessible anywhere Communicates with: - Patients - Collegues - Data bases - Messages - Appointments Communication tools: - Beeper(s) - DECT phone(s) - PDA
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone8 Patient calls CALLTRANSFER
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone9 Telemedicine and teleradiology From: Niinimaki J, Holopainen A, Kerttula J, Reponen J. Security development of a pocket-sized teleradiology consultation system. Medinfo, 2001.
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone10 Acute surveillance: Arythmia detection © Rune Fensli, Agder University College (Norway)
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone11 Long-term monitoring of diabetes: Blood sugar measurement
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone12 Pros and cons of the mobile telephone Screen and camera size/resolution more than adequate Powerful CPU, ample memory, even hard disk Network speed sufficient for most purposes Standards exist and are followed for hardware and communication Size and weight just acceptable Frustrating user interfaces, no standards, best suited for nerds Battery life not satisfactory for heavy use (< 24 hours) Input techniques primitive, voice recognition missing Location (position finding) too low accuracy for most purposes but … … mobile telephony is a fast changing field !
Tuxtla, The ubiquituous mobile phone13 Thank you! To know more: (general info about Telenor Research and Development) (mobile phones in hospitals) (patient signal project - in Norwegian) (wireless health projects) contact: