GRID-Workshop 24 May ETSI GRID-WORKSHOP 24 May 2006 Introduction Karl Heinz Rosenbrock ETSI Director General
GRID-Workshop 24 May ETSI is… Recognized as Standards Development Organization Created in 1988 as an independent, not-for-profit entity Based in Sophia Antipolis, south of France, a technology park 654 members from 59 countries Download ETSI standards for free ! ETSI Member companies… manufacturers, network operators, service providers, administrations, research bodies and users providing a forum in which all key players can contribute: GSM, UMTS, DECT, TETRA, SAT COM, DVB, NGN, VoIP, Wireless Access, Powerline, IP Cablecom, …
GRID-Workshop 24 May Electricity Power GRID to The GRID Like the word WEB, the GRID will be the new name of the Internet
GRID-Workshop 24 May The problem with GRID IT standards Most GRIDs today are built around an early set of de facto standards and toolkits. A new generation of industrial strength global standards is required to fully exploit the Grids potential. As mentioned in IEEE Publication Emerging GRID Standards (04/ 2005),Individual projects carried out to meet specific needs must interact as part of a larger Grid environment, but no international consensus exists as to which of the many ideas, proposed standards, and specifications are likely to dominate in the future.
GRID-Workshop 24 May ETSI and GRID 2 GRID Plugtests organized 2004 & st GRID Workshop 30 September 2005 with support of European Commission GRID ETSI Strategic topic GA#46 November 2005 Board#56 on 1st March 2006 created GRID-SG GRID Starter Group: BT, Alcatel, EADS, INRIA, MINEFI/ARCEP, Telefonica, Siemens… EU 2006 ICT Standardization Work Programme = GRID Today : ETSI GRID-WORKSHOP and GRID-SG kick-off ?mid= ?mid=25853 What is the synergy ? What will be the scope of ETSI GRID together?
GRID-Workshop 24 May Grid Research Projects (Calls 2, 3, 5) Call 5 started: Summer 2006 EU Funding: 124 MILLION
GRID-Workshop 24 May ICT Standardisation Work Programme Study on GRID Interoperability & Validation of International Open Grid Standards Collaboration with, international standards bodies and consortia (IETF, W3C, OASIS,..), community and industry fora and initiatives (GGF, DMTF, WS-I, EGA etc), the European Standardisation Organisations and the NESSI European Technology Platform in the field of standardisation
GRID-Workshop 24 May Potential for ETSI ETSI already has: Many Members are active GRID stakeholders Organized 2 GRID Plugtests TM events PTCC owns high GRID testing potential A neutral position to work and produce consensus based GRID interoperability Gap Analysis and its evaluation. Existing Technical Bodies already involved in related areas: TISPAN architecture, security and QoS control can be extended to link GRID with telecom networks ETSI has the « Know How » in Telecom required by GRID utility
GRID-Workshop 24 May Next steps... to get it happening Continue GRID Plugtest TM events offered to EU research projects and GGF Encourage TC TISPAN to start work item Release 2 for GRID support GRID-SG kick-off, scope, guidance and ToR Board# June GRID-SG Report with ETSI Members contributions