1 IV 1 st November 2007 Beijing - China N-Queens and FlowShop results Denis Caromel INRIA, Patrick Guillemin ETSI
3 Available Grids and Nodes Grid5000 (4080 cpu) - France InTrigger (450 cpu) - Japan PoweRcost (180 cpu) – Italy DAS (300 cpu) - Netherland All jobs submitted from Beijing – China SCCAS: Supercomputing Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
FlowShop contest Goal of the FlowShop contest (Job Scheduling) Solve the 10 Taillard instances with 20 jobs and 20 machines 2006 FlowShop contest The winner was KANBAN - Japan (553 s, 207 workers) 2007 FlowShop contest (2 teams) BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications -China TransPUTers - POZNAN University of Technology - Poland The winner is TransPUTers from Poland ! 2146 s, 3185 Workers FlowShop contest
N-Queens contest Goal of the N-Queens contest Solve the maximum number of N-Queens solutions in1 hour On a maximum number of machines With the most efficient algorithm 2006 N-Queens contest The winner was Eight Samouri – Japan ~6 467 Billions solutions 2193 Workers deployed Counted N=22 Queens in 27mn 2007 N-Queens contest (6 teams) ACT - The Institute of Advanced Computing Technology of Beihang University in Beijing - China BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications -China ChinaGrid – Tsinghua University - China Grid-TU – Tsinghua University - China MOAIS Kaapi – France outPUT - Poznan University of Technology - Poland
N-Queens contest The 1st N-Queens Prize winner is KAAPI-MOAIS - France with ~ Billions solutions found deployed on 3654 workers computed for the first time N=23 in 35 mn 7s and N=22 in 3 mn 21s The 2nd N-Queens Prize winner is ACT - Beihang University - China sucessfuly deployed 3888 workers The 3rd N-Queens Prize winners (2 teams ex-aequo) are BUPT - Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China Calculated N=22 Queens in 24 mn 31s and deployed 2925 workers Grid-TU - Tsinghua University – China Calculated N=22 Queens in 19 mn 36s and deployed 1735 workers 2007 N-Queens contest
7 Thanks to all /