December 17, 2013
USDA Policy Memos NSLP Administrative Reviews Processed USDA Foods Meetings
Lunch prices must be reviewed annually to ensure the average lunch price is compliant. For SY 14/15 - If the average paid lunch price is less than $2.65, then prices must be raised. USDA will be issuing an updated PLE tool shortly.
Provides guidance for sponsors who use the mobile feeding model for SFSP sites. Sponsors must deliver reimbursable meals to approved sites within the community during approved service times. Site supervisor must be present and food safety must be ensured. State Agency must monitor and review mobile sites as other sites.
Census data which is vital for the Child and Adult Care Food Program and Summer Food Service Program was released. To help with recruitment of sites, USDA will begin releasing data information annually in October. Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) website – and
This memo reminds sponsors about improving nutritional quality and appeal of summer meals. Addresses – procurement, use of USDA Foods, purchasing local foods and links to additional guidance for SFSP. Also lists clarification regarding meal patterns for children under six and for teens.
Clarifies that this memo supersedes: SFSP Availability of School and Census Data SFSP Area Eligibility Duration in SFSP CACFP Eligibility Based on Census Data Explains how this information can be used and which programs benefit from census data.
Clarifies sponsor application requirements, agreements, site eligibility, health and safety inspections, training, monitoring and financial management. Each program has separate requirements and this memo gives additional guidance regarding how sponsors and state agencies should proceed when transitioning from CACFP to SFSP
Gives a timeframe and list of action items for the State Agency to provide outreach to SFSP sponsors.
Clarifies the requirements for SFSP re: Meal service times Number and type of reimbursable meals Offer vs. Serve Meals served to adults Leftover meals Taking meal components offsite
USDA reminding State Agencies that Additional Administrative Reviews must still take place. The procedures for identifying SFA’s for these reviews has not changed.
Q&A regarding smoothies that supersedes SP Milk = Milk, Yogurt = M/MA, Fruit = Fruit Juice If milk is served in smoothies, fluid milk must also be offered. USDA recommends that additional fruit options are also available. Commercially prepared smoothies can only credit towards fruit.
SFA’s have 10 operating days to approve F/R applications. SFA’s have the option of establishing the date of submission of an application as the effective date of eligibility. However, this applies only to completed F/R applications and SFA must have a method to document the date the application was submitted.
SFA’s must also refund any money paid by or on behalf of the child for a reimbursable meal or milk prior to eligibility determination, including forgiving accrued debt. SFA’s can also adjust their claim to match the eligibility determination. (See 2 nd paragraph in memo for examples.) SFA’s must notify State Agency if they wish to participate.
Clarification has been requested. More guidance will be issued when the Smart Snack regulations are finalized.
Currently finalizing review schedule February reviews will need all uploads completed by January 29 March and April review uploads are due February 18 Offsite information helps onsite review go more smoothly. Not uploading documents may trigger an in depth review.
All SFA’s are invited to attend with a maximum of 4 attendees February :30 am to 2:30 pm at Red Lion Templin’s Resort in Post Falls February 27 – 8:30 am to 3:30 pm at Nampa Civic Center in Nampa
Please contact Child Nutrition Programs at Disclaimer: Accuracy of the information shared today is accurate as of the recording date. USDA may issue more guidance or further clarification regarding items discussed in today’s webinar.