SEM14-05 APPROVING YOUR DRAFT ETSI Seminar © ETSI All rights reserved
SEM14-05 The ETSI standards process 2 Work Item introduced Approval of draft by technical committee Publication IMMEDIATE If Technical Specification or Technical Report DraftingApproval 6 – 12 MONTHS If European Standard NSO Enquiry and Vote 90 DAYS If ETSI Standard or ETSI Guide ETSI Member vote Drafting in technical committee, working group or Specialist Task Force
SEM14-05 Who approves what? Technical Body ETSI Technical Reports (TR) ETSI Technical Specifications (TS) Members (60 day voting period) ETSI Guides (EG) ETSI Standards (ES) Public (National Standards Organizations) EN (telecommunications series) including Harmonized Standards and Community Specifications Industry Specification Group ETSI Group Specifications (GS) 3
SEM14-05 Public Approval EN (telecommunications series) involves National Standards Organizations involves Public Enquiry and public Vote weighted national voting Two-step procedure (TAP) 11,5 months One-step procedure (OAP) 6 months draft must be non-contentious suits conversion from ES to EN or the deliverable has a high degree of maturity New approval procedure combining them 4
SEM The Two-step approval procedure - for ENs Drafting by Technical Body ETSI processing 1 Month 2 Weeks 1 Month2 Weeks 4 Months2 Months 2 Weeks 11,5 Months Technical Body Approval Draft received by Secretariat Start of Public Enquiry End of Public Enquiry Start of Voting End of Voting Adoption Publication Public Enquiry ETSI review Technical Body review ETSI processing Voting ETSI evaluation Publication
SEM The One-step approval procedure - for ENs Drafting by Technical Body ETSI processing 1 Month 2 Weeks 4 Months 2 Weeks Technical Body Approval Draft received by Secretariat Start of Public Enquiry & Voting End of Public Enquiry & Voting Adoption Publication ETSI evaluation Publication 6 Months Combined Public Enquiry and Vote
SEM14-05 Why the EN approval procedure? ETSI is acting on the proposal from ETSI NSOs to improve the EN approval procedure on the basis of the following statement and arguments: ETSI supports the reform of the EU standardization system undertaken by the European Commission to make the standard making process more responsive. To ensure that technical comments from NSOs will be considered by the ETSI TB (not only in the case of a negative vote as is the case with the current OAP). To automatically select the shorter procedure if there are no technical comments. The TB is no longer required to predict if NSOs will comment. To improve the quality of deliverables and speed up the production of non-critical documents. To reduce the number of editions of ENs and of the associated procedures, which is particularly important in the case of Harmonized Standards needing to be published in the OJEU. 7 © ETSI All rights reserved
SEM14-05 ENAP procedure © ETSI All rights reserved 8
SEM14-05 Approval check-list – key questions 1. Is the deliverable technically stable and mature? 2. Are all the appropriate test methods included (if applicable), and are requirements testable? 3. Are all normative references publicly available? 4. Are all annexes appropriately titled (informative/normative) and stable? 5. Have the ETSI Drafting Rules been adhered to and the ETSI template applied? 6. Has any sustained opposition to the approval of this draft been resolved? 9
SEM14-05 Maintenance & withdrawal of documents
SEM Standards are maintained typically: in response to comments received with a formal vote, or comments from a Technical Body, comments received by the ETSI Secretariat Maintenance
SEM GSM or 3GPP Technical Specification (TS) or Technical Report (TR) Maintenance is based on a system of formal Change Requests the formal approval of a Change Request rests with the relevant Technical Specification Group (TSG) the Support Team then produces a new version of the specification/report
SEM A major event, not to be undertaken lightly Standards are withdrawn typically: if their contents have been subsumed into a new standard, or where irreconcilable errors have been found Withdrawal of standards which have been transposed into national standards may leave a vacuum... Standards not maintained or used should not be withdrawn because of this Grant them historical status Withdrawal
SEM14-05 EN (including Harmonized Standards) is the EN referenced in any regulatory text? is the EN normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes to either, all references must be revised first Technical Body submits proposal to Secretariat Secretariat sends withdrawal proposal to NSOs NSOs conduct national consultations (2 months) and weighted national vote vote may be taken at GA if vote is successful, EN is withdrawn from public availability within 2 weeks 14
SEM ETSI Standard (ES) or ETSI Guide (EG) Is the ES / EG normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes, all references must be revised first ETSI Membership Approval Procedure (MAP) is used Technical Body submits proposal to Secretariat Secretariat sends withdrawal proposal to members Members have 60 days to respond period may be extended If vote is successful, ES / EG is withdrawn from public availability within 2 weeks
SEM ETSI Technical Specification (TS) or ETSI Technical Report (TR) One, several, or all versions may be withdrawn Is the TS / TR normatively referenced in any ETSI deliverable? if yes, all references must be revised first Decision to withdraw the TS / TR is taken by the Technical Body responsible for its maintenance A similar procedure applies for ETSI Group Specifications (GS)