Revelation Seminars 6 Worshipping the Lamb Messages from Patmos for Today!
Revelation Seminars 6 Worshipping the Lamb 1. Look at why Jesus Christ is worshipped 2. Outline the steps He takes to save us 3. Explore what it will mean for us choose to believe in and worship Him! objectives
Q A WHY Jesus is worshipped - Revelation 5:14 Q1 What do the cherubim of heaven do as they praise Jesus Christ? Revelation 5:14 A they worship Jesus Jesus is God Q2 What name is Jesus given in Revelation 19:13? A the WORD of God Q3 What does Jesus - the Alpha and Omega (Rev 22:12,13) - call Himself? Revelation 1:8 A the Lord God Almighty Revelation Seminars 6
WHY Jesus is worshipped Jesus is God Jesus is Creator Q4 How did Jesus introduce Himself to the church at Laodicea? Revelation 3:14 A The Ruler of God’s Creation Revelation Seminars 6
Revelation Seminars 6 WHY Jesus is worshipped Jesus is God Jesus is Creator Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9
Revelation Seminars 6 WHY Jesus is worshipped Jesus is God Jesus is Creator Jesus is our Saviour What has Jesus done, what is He doing & what will He do to save us?
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man Q5 Revelation refers to Jesus' birth and humanity. What details in Revelation 12:5 reveal that the child, whose birth is described, was Jesus? Revelation 12:1-5 A "She gave birth to a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne."
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature Q6 What statement by one of the twenty-four elders reveals that Jesus lived a sinless life? Revelation 5:5 A He has triumphed Q7 What title given to Jesus reveals that He lived a sinless life? Revelation 5:6 A He is the Lamb
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed Q8 What title is Jesus given in the first verse of Revelation? Revelation 1:1 A Christ
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified Q9 What was the experience of the Lamb that John saw in the symbolism of his vision? Revelation 5:6 A It had been slain Q10 When was the sacrifice of Jesus Christ planned? Revelation 13:8 A From the time of creation
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified Q11 What did the sacrifice of Jesus Christ the Lamb achieve? Revelation 5:9 A ‘purchased’ people for God
Revelation Seminars 6A extra Jesus was baptised & crucified on time!
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave Q12 What does Jesus Christ "the firstborn from the dead," the resurrected One, hold that is important for us? Revelation 1:18 A the keys of death & the grave
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven Q13 What happened to Jesus Christ when He had completed His ministry on earth? Revelation 12:5 A He was snatched up (ascended) to heaven
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven 7 Jesus – is our Priest, Judge & King Q14 What work does Jesus do for us before the throne of heaven? Revelation 5:7,8 A Opens heaven’s books (intercession & judgement) Q15 What were the 24 elders holding? Revelation 5:8 A Bowls of incense (prayers)
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven 7 Jesus – is our Priest, Judge & King Q16 Jesus Christ's work as our High Priest will not last forever. Before it ends, what is offered from a golden alter before the throne of God? Revelation 8:3,4 A incense & prayers
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven 7 Jesus – is our Priest, Judge & King Q16 What will eventually happen to the censer? Revelation 8:5 A It will be hurled to the earth!
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven 7 Jesus – is our Priest, Judge & King 8 Jesus – is coming again! Q18 What message is a theme of Revelation? Revelation 1:7. (Compare Revelation 22:7,12.) A Jesus is coming again!
Revelation Seminars 6 Jesus is our Saviour - Revelation 5:9 1 Jesus – became a Man 2 Jesus – was sinless by nature 3 Jesus – was baptised & anointed 4 Jesus – was crucified 5 Jesus – arose from the grave 6 Jesus – ascended to heaven 7 Jesus – is our Priest, Judge & King 8 Jesus – is coming again! What will we do with Jesus?
He is Lion & Lamb Jesus is King of Kings He is our CreatorHe is God What will we do with Jesus?
Jesus is our Saviour 1. He became human 2. He was sinless3. He was baptised & anointed He is our Saviour
5. He arose from death4. He died for us! Jesus is our Saviour 6. He ascended!7. He is our Priest, Judge & King!
8. He is coming for His people!
Q true or false 1.By accepting worship Jesus revealed that He is God. 2.The name Christ means Saviour. 3.Jesus was crucified as the slave or redemption price for us. 4.Jesus ascended to heaven 50 days after He arose. Q yes/no/not sure 5. “Salvation is found in no one else.” Will you choose to worship and believe in Jesus Christ? Revelation Seminars 6 quiz
My Response... Q The door to God's throne of forgiveness and salvation is still open. What would be (or have been) the implications of your decision to follow Jesus Christ & the Bible - for you & your family? A Revelation Seminars 6 NewChurchLife Resource –
Revelation Seminars 6 Worshipping the Lamb Messages from Patmos for Today!