The Rest of American History
America Torn Apart The Watergate scandal broke Americas trust with the government Gerould Ford became president and was ineffective because of his association with Nixon
Jimmy Carter From Georgia First southern president since Civil War Democrat Overwhelmed by the Presidency and Politics Iran Crisis
1980 Election “Are Better you better off than you were 4 years ago”
Ronald Reagan Republican From CA Great Speaker VP: George H Bush Tough to political enemies, gentle towards public
Economics Supply Side Economics- “Reaganomics” If you lower taxes than it will encourage people to produce more goods thus have to hire more people A good Economy
Domestic Issues Lower Taxes Air traffic controllers' strike Air traffic controllers wanted more $ They are government employees If they do not work planes are grounded, that will kill the economy Reagan gives them 48 hours to end the strike, they do not He fires 12,000 people Against major Environmental changes
Budgets Cut a lot of Public Spending Infrastructure Entitlements Etc Increases defense spending
Foreign Policy USSR Wanted to end Communism Breaks the USSR by forcing them to keep pace in military spending causing their eventual demise Star Wars Iran Hostage Crisis ends because of the threat of having to deal with Reagan
Ethics Emphasized Christian Values Opposed Roe v Wade Wanted to pass an Amendment to allow Public Pray in School
Values Conservative Wanted to preserve a traditional America
End of Reagan Years Reagan developed dementia after his presidency was over Legacy Restored respect to the presidencypresidency
George H Bush Reagan’s Vice President From Texas Republican Elected by the Success of Reagan Moderate Republican
Economics cut government spending Promised to never raise taxes “Read my lips, no new taxes” Deficit forced him to raise taxes Broken Promise
Domestic Large Budget Deficits Bad Economy Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Made it illegal to discriminate based on disability Clean Air Act Prevent Acid Rain
Budget Large Debt Increase Late in his term increased taxes to limit deficit Different than Reagan?
Foreign policy Panama Manual Noriega Leader of Panama Trafficked drugs and laundered money US captured and imprisoned him Soviet Union Ceased to be on December 25, 1991 Many countries were created out of the Soviet Union (Russia, Poland, etc Iraq Persian Gulf War Saddam Hussein(Iraq) invaded Our ally Kuwait We ran them out of Kuwait and stopped at the border of Iraq Mistake?
Generational values Moderate A mixture of conservative and liberal ideas
George H Bush In the Election of 1992 Conservatives (Republicans) were unhappy with the bad economy and the fact that he raised taxes Many supported a third party candidate named Ross PerotRoss Perot Bush vs Perot vs Clinton
Presidential candidate PartyHome state Popular vote Electoral vote Running mate CountPct Vice- presidential candidate Home stateElect. vote Bill ClintonDemocraticArkansas44,909, %370Al GoreTennessee370 George H. W. Bush RepublicanTexas39,104, %168Dan QuayleIndiana168 Ross PerotIndependentTexas19,743, %0 James Stockdale California0
Bill Clinton From Arkansas Democrat Strong Suit: Ability to Connect Strong Speaker
Economics Economic boom Balance Budget budget surplus Cut taxes on middle class
Domestic Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 People cannot be fired because they take off for illness of themselves or family Brady Bill Background checks on all firearms “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy Sexual Orientation cannot be a factor In military as long as it is not discussed Healthcare reform Free Healthcare Fails to pass in congress
Foreign policy Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of increased global trade and competition on the U.S. economy NAFTA (pros) world’s largest trade area; increase in trade; increase in US Agricultural exports; increase in foreign direct investment (cons)- loss of US jobs, loss of US wages, worker exploitation, Mexican farmers out of business Import quotas- (pros)- limit on quantity of goods imported in to a county (cons)- corruption, smuggling, higher prices Free trade agreements- (pros)- trade goods without taxes (cons)- domestic industries have reduction in profits due to lower prices of imported goods
Foreign Policy Battle of Mogadishu, Somalia Army helicopter shot down 18 men killed by insurgence NAFTA Operation Desert Fox Bombing of Iraq Limit Iraq’s ability to make Weapons of Mass Destruction
Ethics Impeachment Lied under Oath about an Affair he had in 1994; Monica Lewinski House passes impeachment charges Senate did not remove him
Generational Values Liberal Believe in changing America in a major way
Bill Clinton After Impeachment Clinton was ineffective Importance Balanced Budget