1 Margot Dor, Business Development & Partnerships, ETSI A workshop co-organized by ETSI y el Secretaria de Salud de Mexico in Tuxtla, Chiapas, May 2006 ETSI, Dialogue on Standards Why we are here today Well Comms in Tuxtla Broadband access for health applications
2 ETSI: A Standardization Success Story ETSI since its creation in 1988 has established itself in a relatively short time as a premier multinational SDO ETSI success is based on the development market-driven open standards that: –enable interoperability –expand markets, bring down costs and enable increased competition –create trust and confidence in products
3 ICT Standards organization, private not for profit Global membership (670+ Members, 80% industry, 20% overseas) Track record of worldwide industrial hits (fixed, mobile, broadcast)… …enabled also by a recognized IPR policy (FRAND) Favors partnerships (regional/technical) Founding partner and home of the 3GPP (EU/US/China/Japan/Korea) Broadcast (EBU/CLC) Interoperability services (test specs, test suites, interop testing- PlugTests) Forum hosting All deliverables available free of charge ETSI, who are we exactly?
4 Partnerships Nobody does it alone CITEL GSM LA AHCIET GSM LA CCSA OMA IEEE GCF WIMAX forum The Parlay Group IPv6 Forum NENA DVB Project TETRA MoU (60+ active) International Interregional CEN/ CLC CEN/ CLC ITU-T ITU-R GTSC GRSC JTC1 Europe ITU-D EC CEPT
5 Open meetings All stakeholders may participate in the standards development process Consensus All interests are discussed and agreement found Due Process Balloting and appeal process may be used to find resolution Open IPR IPR holders must identify themselves during the standards development process Open Access Open access to all deliverables Open World Same standard for the same function world-wide Open Interfaces Allow additional functions, public or proprietary Open markets Interoperability users are not locked in with one supplier/service provider Open Standards
6 Open standards open markets Facilitate a multi-supplier environment Lay the ground for interoperability in a multi-equipment provider and multi-service provider environment Enable the development of profitable industrial ecosystems Open standards > balance power between market players (suppliers/operators-SPs/users)
7 Open standards and service creation Facilitate a multi-service provider environment interchangeable terminal equipment competitive pricing of services network agnostic third parties applications This is highly critical in countries/regions Where local manufacturing industry does not compete on a global scale (yet) That are standards adopters (so far) That have highly educated and competitive workforce is SW (applications and services) development Where the service industry is highly creative and competitive Where there is a strong political push to rely on ICT and education to develop.
8 & the Dialogue on Standards What brought us here together today *Alliance for the Information Society
9 Network of Regulators (Regulatel) Dialogue on Standardization (ETSI) Dialogue on Policy & Regulation (ECLAC) Interconnection of Research Networks (Geant/Red Clara) digital inclusion e-gov. e-education e-health A birds eye view of programme Stakeholders Network (AHCIET, Menon) 19 demo projects, 75% budget
10 The Dialogue on Standards Positioning Open Standards are key to enable the development of ICT services and applications that help bridge the digital divide Objectives Increase bilateral work flow Increase ETSI visibility and standards adoption in LA Means 3,8 million euros ( ) ETSI contribution indirect –i.e. in kind
11 The starting point: building awareness for ETSI standards, ways (specifics), and services
12 The learning curve (or « wake up call »)
13 Latin American countries do produce ICT standards They are just not called that way Interop profiles, Interop frameworks… A usage-driven model Services and applications first architecture is key, interoperability ex-post The public sector is at the forefront ICT for economic development-software, political agendas Straight (and fast) to the top No legacy of standards making in the lower layers… An interesting issue: IP strategies of new entrants on the standards production market
14 Its all about usage and solutions to make life easier and better But for Interoperability, transferability, reusability solutions based on open standards local players in control Sustainability Its about creating ecosystems/clusters with strong implication of local developers & service providers Nobody cares about standards…
A Dialogue between EU and Latin America Interoperability profilers Objectives Create a think tank on specifications and interoperability profiles for e-gov applications (both policy and technology) Enable the development of joint deliverables (strategic and/or technical). Ways and means ETSI enabler/bridge Seed money from Dialogue on Standards
16 Well Comms in Tuxtla Broadband access for health applications Objectives Further explore the policy goals of Mexico in relation to e-health issues Ensure a common understanding of the technology requirements Present a set of case studies (broadband connectivity and applications) Increase cooperation between Mexican and European players (both from a policy and technology perspective)
17 Well Comms in Tuxtla Broadband access for health applications Topics Broadband accessibility/connectivity based on the use of satellite technologies (DVB-RCS) Use of smart cards technologies for health applications (health record, security of personal data, authentication etc). Human factors (ease of use, ergonomics, accessibility for all, etc) Legal issues in e-health systems (liability, data privacy, etc) Applications (e.g. Bibliotecas Medicas Digitales)
Dialogue on Standards & Interoperability
19 A question Technologies do not come into silos… should applications do? Infrastructures converge to all IP Point of gravity of convergence middleware and services Applications? Reinventing the wheel? Disconnecting issues…but interoperability is across layers
20 Dialogue (d i-alog) A conversation between two or more persons. For a successful dialogue, the partners must achieve a workable balance of contributions