Used on ALL patients Includes: › Hand washing › Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Gloves Gowns Masks and eye protection › Needle stick safety › Sharps › Spills and splashes › Resuscitation devices › Waste and linen disposal › Injuries
Hand Washing cmY_EV8&feature=related cmY_EV8&feature=related 2BhR4w 2BhR4w
Personal protection equipment (PPE)
Mask and Eye Protection
Needle Stick Safety a1sbnSQ a1sbnSQ
Resuscitation devices
Waste and linen disposal
Applies to all occupational exposure of blood or other potentially infectious material. Blood = human blood, blood components, blood products Blood borne pathogens = disease causing organisms in blood (Hep. B, Hep. C, HIV)
OSHA Standard to reduce occupationally transmitted/acquired TB Requires FIT tested and training in the use of specific respiratory PPE PPD skin test annually
Standard Precautions PLUS Airborne Precautions Contact Precautions Droplet Precautions
Transmission based precautions › Additional precautions used with patients infected with pathogens that are spread via: airborne transmission droplet transmission direct contact › Requires isolation
Airborne precautions › Patient pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets › Specific PPEs- fitted mask (N95 Respirator)
Contact precautions › Patient pathogens are able to be spread by direct or indirect contact › Specific PPEs gloves gowns
Droplet precautions › Used when large-particle droplets are expelled during coughing, sneezing, talking or laughing › Specific PPEs- mask if working within 3 feet of patient
Protective or reverse precautions