Dying to Live Romans 6 Chapter 5
Extremes: legalism & license –Paul explained justification & sanctification –Pau’s three instructions concerning victory over sin: know, reckon, & yield –Know (6:1-10) Repetition in 6:3. 6, & 9 Basic truth: the believer’s identification with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection –Identified with Christ in righteousness & justification »From sins to sin »From action to principle »From fruit to root
–Romans 3:21-5:21* Romans 6-8 Substitution: He died for us * Identification: I died with Him He died for my sin * He died unto sin Justification : righteousness * Sanctification : righteousness Justification is a legal matter as well as a living relationship (“a justification which brings life” : Rom 5:8) The believer is dead to sin (2-5) Baptism: literal – to immerse; figurative – to be identified with (I Cor 10:2)
–“Baptized into Jesus Christ” – “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body” (I Cor 12:13) –Mode of baptism – immersion »Pictures the believer’s identification with Christ in death, burial, and resurrection –Into Jesus Christ was accomplished by the Spirit when they believed –Believer’s new relationship to sin »“I am crucified with Christ” (Gal 2:20) »No longer wanting to continue in sin »Alive in Christ & newness of life –Lazarus »Ephesians 2:1-10 »Betweeners »Between Egypt & Canaan »Between Good Friday & Easter
–“Set you hearts on things above …” (Col 1: 1, 3) The believer should not serve sin (6-10) –Sin is a terrible master –The body is not sinful, but neutral »Controlled by sin or God –“For I know that in me (that is, my flesh) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not” (7:8) –The old man (the old ego, self, flesh) was crucified with Christ so the body need not be controlled by sin »“Destroyed” (6:6) – not annihilated; rendered inactive, mode of no effort »“Loosed” (7:2) – woman is free to marry again when her husband dies »Sin wants to be the master »“He that is dead is freed from sin” (6:7) »Sin & death no more dominion over Christ & us
–Reckon (6:11) To think or guess In Greek to take into account, to calculate, to estimate, impute, count 19 times in Romans alone 41 times in N.T. Literal translation – to put in one’s account To believe what God says in His Word is really true in your life Not to feel or understand, but to act on God’s Word God doesn’t command us to be dead to sin, but tells us that we are dead to sin & alive unto God He commands us to act on it.
–Yield (6:12-23) “Know” centered in the mind “Reckon” centered in the heart “Yield” centered in the will “Yield: 5 times in this section Yield – to place at one’s disposal; to present; to offer as a sacrifice –Romans 12:1 – “a living sacrifice” How are we to yield (12-13) –An act of will based on the knowledge we have of what Christ has done for us –The final & complete surrender of the body to Jesus Christ »Daily surrender afresh to Him –Why God want our body?
»God’s temple (I Cor 6: 19-20) »God’s tool & weapon (6:13) »Fulfilling His Purposes »Moses’s hand holding a rod »David’s hands using the sling »Prophets’ mouths »Paul’s feet »John’s eyes, ears, & fingers on revelation »Members for sinful purposes »David’s eyes, mind, & hand »Ps 51: whole body affected by sin »Eyes (Ps 51:3) »Mind (Ps 51:6) »Ears (Ps 51:8) »Heart (Ps 51:10) »Lips & mouth (Ps 51:14-15) »Thorough cleansing (Ps 51:2)
Why are we to yield? (14-23) –Favor (14-15) »God’s grace gives us a reason to obey, not an excuse to sin –Freedom (16-29) »Illustration of master & servant »Before salvation a slave of sin »After salvation a servant for Christ »Prodigal Son –Fruit (21-23) »Sin pays wages: death; God pays wages: holiness & everlasting life »Romans 6:23: a warning for both unsaved and Christians »Samson »Danger of being disciplined by the Father (Heb 12: 5-11)
»Death is possible (I Cor 11:30) Know they you have been crucified with Christ and are dead to sin Reckon this fact to be true in your life Yield your body to the Lord to be used for His glory