Galatians and Romans Holy Family Bible Study Spring 2006 May 10, 2006
Finishing up Galatians
Exhortation to Christian living 5:1—6:10 Exhortation to Christian living If you buy into circumcision, buy the whole package– choose Jesus; choose freedom from slavery. Paul calls us to choose agape over flesh.
Exhortation to Christian living 5:1—6:10 Exhortation to Christian living In Chapter 6 Paul speaks to the mature Christians! (us ) Paul writes in his own hand, and teaching Christ Crucified– a new way of looking at life…
6:11-18 Conclusion Paul writes in his own hand, and teaching Christ Crucified– a new way of looking at life…
A little background Paul wrote 1-12 in and learned more about the Romans from Prisca and Aquila and then wrote the rest in late 56 Paul wanted to teach that Christ came for all
A little background Paul membership in the covenant was necessary for salvation, and involved obedience to its regulations as expressed in the precepts of the Law. The tricky point for Jewish theologians was the precise relationship of divine initiative and human response. How were unmotivated mercy and the demands of the law reconciled? “Obedience to the commandments was not thought of as earning salvation, which came rather by God’s grace, but was nevertheless required as a condition of remaining in the covenant and not obeying the commandments would damn.
Romans outlined 1:1-5 Address 1:16—3:20 Humanity lost without Gospel
1:1-5 Address He addressed who he is, and that he is so special to be called to be an apostle He needs to remind the reader just who Jesus is—namely the Christ, the one who was crucified.
1:16—3:20 Humanity lost without Gospel The thanksgiving, typical of epistles He wants to preach in Rome, and yet he seems to know his mission is to the gentiles. First to Jews then to Greeks Wrath of God Paul's judgment of the interior law
1:16—3:20 Humanity lost without Gospel Tough passage 1:28 who is the person Paul addresses here?
Next time Lessons 5-6 Pages Romans 2-5 More sin! SIN SIN & LAW SIN & DEATH