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The nail-pierced hands of Jesus reveal the love-filled heart of God. – Author unknown

Rt. Rev. Sharat Bishop of Bherampur, Orissa. His dioceses also was attacked during the past months

Studying the road map and Getting guidance from Bishop

Meeting the differently abled children who also live in fear in G Udaigiri

Broken Church building Montasor

I attended the Holy Thursday functions in a relief camp in an interior village called Montasor. There two priests and a Religious sister live together and take care of the pastoral needs of the people. The Maundy Thursday service at Montasor parish of Raikia Block was at 5.30 p.m. Where more than 700 people came for the Liturgy which went on till 8.30 p.m. Both men and women sang joyfully and liturgy was very solemn under a make shift tent. I found a ray of hope and joy during the liturgy.

Montasor church is 109 years old and the Christians are here for more than 150 years, said Fr. Jugal Kishore Digal, (seated in the middle) Parish priest. Yet the church, parish, orphanage and convent were looted and destroyed in Dec This year the number of people who come for the service is less, said Fr. Digal.

A camp for the victims of violence was established on Nov. 22nd 2008 at the Montasor parish after the camps at Raikia and Noagaon were scaled down. 500 people are still in the camp which is supported by the Government and protected by the CRP at Montasor. All the people joined the Holy week service and actively participated. We are not able to return to our homes as there is neither security nor we have finance to construct our demolished houses, said Mr. Chittaranjan Nayak at Raikia Camp.

Looking at the broken people gathered around the table of the Lord one is reminded of St. Paul’s letter to the Romans: "For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom 8, 38-39).

He is the Lord of everyone and everything! It all boils down to our personal relationship with the crucified and risen Lord who transcends any kind of authority both in the world and in the Church. I could not stop my tears as I witnessed their great love for the Lord

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