Who is Jesus to You? Jesus was greatly misunderstood and misidentified in His own day and time. Some thought He was “John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah.


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Presentation transcript:

Who is Jesus to You? Jesus was greatly misunderstood and misidentified in His own day and time. Some thought He was “John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Matthew 16:14 Then Jesus asks an important question, both then and now, “But who do you say that I am?” Obviously, Peter answered correctly, v.16. But ask Jesus’ question a little differently: Who is Jesus to you?

Who is Jesus to You? The Jews of His day thought He was an imposter of the Messiah- so they rejected Him. The Romans thought He was a political problem- so they crucified Him. To adapt His own words, “But who do you say that He is?” >a good and godly man, but no “Savior”? >a religious myth fit only for the weak? >or the risen “Lord” cf. Rom.10:8-10?

Who is Jesus to You? Acts 2 From the text, please note: >vv.1- 4 the apostles were all “filled with the Spirit” as Jesus had promised, cf. 1:8 >vv.5-11 the Spirit enabled them to miraculously speak in languages which they had not learned >vv Peter and the other 11 apostles explained that what was happening was actually fulfilled prophecy Then, beginning in v.22, Peter and the 11 preached Jesus to them- who He was, what they had done, and how God used it.

Who is Jesus to You? Acts 2 Is He: >v.22 a real man attested to be the Son of God by the miracles He performed? cf. 10:38 & John 3:2 Do you believe the miracles of Jesus that prove He is the Christ, the Son of God, John 20:30-31? >v.23 the Son of God sent by God’s pre- determined plan to be crucified for your sins? 3:18 & 1Pet.1:20-21 Do you believe that Jesus was crucified and died, not by accident, but according to God’s own plan to redeem us from sin? 2Cor.5:21

Who is Jesus to You? Acts 2 Is He: >v.24 the immortal Savior that God raised from the dead because as the Son of God, death could not keep Him? vv Do you believe the empty tomb proves Jesus was who He said He was: the Son of God? Mark 8:31-33 & Mark 16:1-16 >v.33 the exalted Christ who sits now sits at the right hand of God as both Lord and Christ? Do you believe Jesus is the Prince and Savior at God’s right hand who grants repentance & forgiveness those who obey Him? 5:30-32

Who is Jesus to You? Acts 2 This may not be the same “Jesus” you’ve been told about before- many tell of a different Jesus than this. And this may not be the “Jesus” to whom you’ve previously professed some aversion or devotion. But it is the real Jesus that was preached by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit through the 12 Apostles on the day of Pentecost some 2000 years ago!

Who is Jesus to You? Acts 2 The contemporaries of Jesus’ day rejected and crucified Him, v.36. But when confronted with the facts of His true identity that you’ve just heard, they were also told to “Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins” v.38. And they did just that because Jesus became “Lord and Christ” to them!

Now, Who is Jesus to You? He’s only your Lord and Savior, and He only grants repentance and forgiveness, if you “obey Him” Acts 5:32! Will you obey Him now, Acts 2:41?