Going Green for Earth Day!
Carbon Footprint A CARBON FOOTPRINT is an estimate of how much CARBON DIOXIDE is produced to support your lifestyle. Essentially, it measures your impact on the CLIMATE based on how much carbon dioxide you produce.
Carbon Footprint So what makes your carbon footprint???? ◦What you (your parents) drive ◦What you EAT ◦How much water you use ◦Where you Vacation ◦Electronics ◦And lots more…..
Calculating your Carbon Footprint Type in this website and follow the instructions! I will put this link on the homework page, but copy it into your notebook as well!
Earth Day Pledge For EXTRA CREDIT (5 points), I want you to draw a pie graph of your carbon footprint to demonstrate the aspects of your life that give off the most Carbon Dioxide………
Earth Day Pledge THEN, make a pledge to change something about your life UNTIL THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR. Type up your pledge, sign it, and have a WITNESS(parent) sign it as well! Bring it to me by Monday…….
Earth Day Pledge I will check in with you 2 times before the end of the year to see how it is going…. And HOPEFULLY it will be something that you can alter for life to help the environment!