NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ ENISA
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ The Agency ENISA: European Network and Information Security Agency Headquarters: Heraklion, Crete (Greece) Staff: ~40 (…expanding to ~50)
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ Overview: ENISAs Objectives To provide assistance and deliver advice to the Commission and the MS on issues related to NIS falling within its competencies as set out in this Regulation To enhance the capability of the Commission, other EU bodies and the Member States to prevent, address and respond to NIS problems To develop a high level of expertise and use this expertise to stimulate broad cooperation between actors from the public and private sectors To assist the Commission, where called upon, in the technical preparatory work for updating and developing Community legislation in the field of NIS.
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ Overview: ENISAs Tasks Giving advice and assistance to Commission and Member States Risk assessment and risk management Promote CERTs Information exchange and cooperation Track standardization Promote best practices Awareness raising Becoming a centre of expertise
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ NIS Cooperation & Support Activities Awareness Raising Relations with Industry and International Institutions Coordination of activities with Member States and European Bodies CERT support Requests from EC and Member States
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ Technical Activities Risk Management Technical & Procedural Security Policies Security Technologies Original Infosec Guide (e.g. Documents) Infosec Control 1. Collect Best Practice Guides, Best Practice Policies and Best Practice Controls Infosec Policy Infosec Control Infosec Policy Infosec Control Gen.Infose c Guide Gen. Infosec Policy Infosec Control Gen.Infose c Policy Infosec Control Original Infosec Control Original Infosec Policy (e.g. Chapters) Gen. Infosec Policy Infosec Control 4. Store these pieces of Guides, Policies and Controls also in the Knowledgebase Best Practice Knowledgebase 2. Store Guides, Policies and Controls in the Knowledgebase 5. Create new brief, simple, broadly accepted Guides & Policies 3. Extract most relevant & valuable pieces
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ NIS Technologies (1) Unit in charge of the monitoring of NIS developments including standardization Focus on NIS Standardization Report: Inventory of activities and standards per body We have identified few relevant bodies to follow European Standardization ETSI, CEN, CENELEC International Standardization IETF, ITU, NIST, ISO/IEC, W3C, ANSI Others RIPE, ICANN, etc. We are observers in few standardization meetings IETF and ETSI (TISPAN) Inventory also looks at Industry Fora Including VOIPSA, CSIA, OMA, TCG, VPNC, ISACA, ISSA Research Activities Including FP6, IRTF, JRC
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ NIS Technologies (2) Report on Summary and Analysis of the major technical developments in relation with standardization and other NIS initiatives Will use the NISSG Report as input Presence of ENISA in various fora and establishment of a network of contacts in the technical, development, standardization, and research community Identify areas where security is not properly taken into account and promote it from the beginning Identify standardization gaps and opportunities
NISSG Open Meeting, 28/06/ Few of the ENISA channels Go to our website: