Which of the 12 apostles is associated with these images? Saint Peter, the First Pope
What is the papacy? First, try to complete the “What is the papacy worksheet?” alone or in groups. Then continue with the PowerPoint to see and discuss the answers. Then, learn how Peter received his name by reading Jn 1: Next, understand how Peter is the Rock by reading Mt 16: Follow the PowerPoint to support your discussions. Learn a little Greek by studying Jn 21 when Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” As a bonus, see the paintings and learn about the Chair of St. Peter at the end of the PowerPoint presentation.
Peter Receives a New Name At their first meeting, Jesus gave Simon, the fisherman, his new name. Names were very significant to the ancient Jews, and a change in name often signified a change in role. Think of how Pope Francis changed his name from Jorge to Francis when he became Pope! In the ancient Semitic world, a name indicated a being's innermost nature or destiny. Think of when you have experienced people changing their names. When a man or woman becomes a priest or nun in a religious order, when a woman gets married, and when a person is confirmed are a few examples. What do these changes of name signify? Who in the Old Testament received a new name? Abram becomes Abraham, Jacob becomes Israel Can you think of others? Simon's new name completely replaced the old: he was always known as Simon "Cephas” or "Petros" (Greek for "Rock"). Now Christ has called him Peter saying, “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.” St. Peter. Rubens,
Answers to Questions 1-5 Some other titles for the Pope are: Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God, among many more! Pope Francis has de-emphasized many of these titles for himself, and it has been reported he prefers the title: the Bishop of Rome. St. Peter. Rubens, c St. Peter was the first pope, and Pope Francis is the 266nd in the same line of Peter. The pope, the Roman Pontiff, Peter’s successor, and the bishops, the successors of the apostles, are united to one another (CCC 880). The pope is the “Vicar of Christ” meaning that he is the one who stands in for or acts for Christ. Therefore, meeting the pope is like meeting Christ in the flesh! The word pope is Latin for papa or father.
Answers to Questions 6-7 Papal Apartment When he was elected pope, Pope Francis decided not move into the papal apartment in the Apostolic Palace but instead uses Suite 201 of Domus Sanctae Marthae, after first remaining in the room he was assigned by lot at the start of the conclave that elected him. Pope Francis is the first pope not to live in the papal apartments on the third floor of the Apostolic Palace since Pope Pius X moved into it in He uses the palace suite there as his office, and sleeps, says morning mass, and takes communal meals in Domus Sanctae Marthae. The Domus Sanctae Marthae (Latin for Saint Martha's House) is a building adjacent to St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Completed in 1996, during the reign of Pope John Paul II, it is named after Saint Martha the hospitable, who was a sibling to Saints Mary and Lazarus of Bethany. St. Peter’s Basilica
Peter the Rock: Mt 16:13-23 First: Jesus makes a play on words: "You are Peter (Rock), and on this rock I will build my Church." In Christ's own native tongue, Aramaic, the two words would have been identical: "You are Kepha, and on this Kepha I will build my Church." Peter himself is the rock on which the Church will be built. Second: “The powers of death shall not prevail against it" (that is, the Church built on Peter). So Peter is to be a lasting foundation stone, a continual rock-support for the Church in every generation, not just in his own lifetime. Third: "I will give you the keys of the kingdom." The keeper of "the keys," in ancient Israel, was the chief deputy of the king, with authority to admit or exclude from the king's household, or capital city, whomever he wished, in accordance with the best interest of the king (cf. Is. 22:22). Fourth: Peter's decisions to "bind" (forbid) and "loose" (permit) in the Church are to be ratified (backed-up) "in heaven." So heaven's guidance is promised to Peter for his authoritative decisions. In short, Jesus promised to make Peter his key bearer, his chief deputy in the community of His disciples, and this would be so for every generation, with the support of heaven. In this way Peter's ministry would be the "Rock" of the Church. St. Peter. Rubens,
Answer to Questions 8 The main altar of St. Peters was built directly over the tomb of St. Peter, who was first among the apostles and the first pope. It is symbolic of the fact that the Church is founded on "the Rock" which is St. Peter. You can go visit his tomb even today at Vatican City. It is called going to The Vatican Scavi.The Vatican Scavi St. Peter was martyred by crucifixion. However, he said he was not worthy to be crucified in the same way as Christ, so he was crucified up-side-down. See the next two slides for paintings of St. Peter’s up-side-down crucifixion.
Crucifixion of St. Peter. Masaccio, 1421.
Crucifixion of St. Peter. Caravaggio,
Peter, “Do you love me more than these? Read about Peter’s denial foretold and his denial of Jesus in Mt 26:31-35; Jesus tells Peter that before the cock crows he will deny him three times. Why do you think Jesus chooses Peter to be the first pope when he denied him? What does this show about Christ’s mercy? What does this reveal about how Jesus is also merciful toward you? For your reading of Jn 21, remember: phileo means a friendship kind of love agape means life giving or sacrificial love; the love God has for man, and Peter has difficulty telling Jesus he has for him How do you love God? With phileo or agape?
The Throne of Peter. Bernini, Baldacchino. Bernini, The Chair of St. Peter Finally, did you know that there is a chair of St. Peter? There is a physical object known as "the Chair of St. Peter.“ It is housed at the Vatican, at the back of St. Peter's Basilica. February 22 is the Feast of the Chair of St. Peter. And there is more to the story... Read about it here.here