16. Living in the Fruit Galatians 5:13-26 p. 1077.


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Presentation transcript:

16. Living in the Fruit Galatians 5:13-26 p. 1077


1. Freedom

1. Freedom...  Doesn’t sound much like freedom: Our idea – we do what we want. Bible’s idea – we do what leads to fruit of the Spirit  We have opportunity to live a life of wisdom & grace Our sinful desires war against our souls (1 Pe 2:11)  In Christ we have been set free – we have crucified the sinful nature (v 24)

2. Goodness  God is 100% good  Picture the glory of heaven … Look closely at the mighty king He is a slain lamb ! ! ! (Rev 5:9)  You want to know whether God is good … Look at the slain lamb !

3. Walking  To take hold of the life God is offering – work to do.  “Walk by the Spirit” (v 16) The Devil & the sinful nature are our enemies (1 Pe 2:11) We must WALK.  We must “keep in step with him” (v 25) He sets the pace & direction Micah 6:8 – we walk humbly with God.

Living it...  Lenten Experiment Lent starts Wednesday March 5 th.