Achieving the Dream Status Report Mentor Visit February 5-6, 2009
TCC Core Value: #1 Student Success
AtD Process What’s Wrong? Why? Intervention Assessment
AtD Process What’s Wrong? Persistence Reading I & II Dev Math Why? Adjusting to college Balancing school and life Textbook issues Tulsa Achieves Communication issues with instructors Choosing courses Students not academically prepared Student motivation Interventions TA Orientation Advising African American Male Assessment Formative Summative
Overview of Process Data-informed decisions: Examine quantitative data provided by Institutional Research Determine barriers: focus groups Design interventions: address barriers Assess impact: formative & summative Revise intervention based on assessments Continue cycle
Working Teams Institutional Research Leadership Core Data Campus Research
Focus Group Data, Fall 2008 Most frequent barriers to persistence: Adjusting to college Balancing school and life Textbook issues Tulsa Achieves Communication issues with instructors Choosing courses Students not academically prepared Student motivation
AtD Working Process
Persistence Intervention 1 TA Implementation Issues: Communication First Cycle Complete Target population: TA students Communication tools Two-part receipt QuickFacts card Intervention Implemented Fall 2008 Survey TA students to determine effectiveness of communication tools Review survey data to determine pertinent changes Changes to communication tools implemented fall 2008
AtD Working Process: TA
Persistence Intervention 2a Orientation: Strategies for Academic Success First Cycle Begun Fall 2008: Strategies for Academic Success Target population: TA students 61 sections made for fall 2008; 1120 students completed Dedicated faculty resources website College-wide collaboration: Common course objectives Common formative assessments Pre- and Post- assessment (LASSI = Learning and Study Skills Inventory) Written self-reflection Focus groups with instructors College-wide training for faculty Spring 2009: Analyze LASSI outcomes, self-reflection data, and grade distribution for fall 2008 Use this data to adjust curriculum Continue cycle
Persistence Intervention 2b Orientation: College-wide Orientation Under Discussion Expanded Orientation: Campus teams directing a college-wide exploration Target population: All students Involve entire college in design, planning, and implementation Solicit student input Require orientation Develop college-wide orientation components Address various entry/re-entry points of students Include range of delivery options
Persistence Intervention 3 Advising: Intervention Under Discussion Contingent upon Banner implementation Lead Counselor Advisors & TA Taskforce Phase I: Spring 2009 Target Population: All students Develop a college-wide protocol to correctly identify and notify students at risk for poor academic performance Phase II: Fall 2009 Target population: TA Students Timely notification Block enrollment for Academic Notice or Probation Require advising Limit enrollment hours
Persistence Intervention 4: African American Males Organizing Target Population: African American males Institutional cohort data, fall st Semester Persistence Fall-to-fall persistence “C” or higher course completion Full Cohort75%50%61% All Male Students 71%46%57% African American Male Students 56%25%31%
Persistence Intervention 4: African American Male Intervention 15 committee members (employees)/3 meetings to date Target population: African American Males Information/data needs: focus group training/focus group research raw institutional data nationwide research conference attendance Possibilities for reaching target population: Work with current student government groups to provide support and resources Participate in student group leadership conferences/workshops that stimulate discussions and mentoring Consider a mentoring program that connects incoming students with staff, faculty, and Tulsa community leaders Intervention design pending information/data collection & analysis
AtD Impacting Day of Vision 2008 DoV November 15, 2008 Northeast Campus AtD sponsored student panel “Advice to Students” AtD Major Barriers presented to audience TCC Student Panel 3 TCC Student Government representatives 3 African American Student Association representatives Two 45-minute structured panel discussions Two Q & A sessions from audience questions Highly successful WC 2009; recommend repetition of panel
AtD Impacting Day of Vision 2008 Video Capture Both panel presentations captured on video Resulting video production values low because of lighting Suggest better lighting for future recordings Audio has potential for future use.
Developmental Reading Study Year for Reading Intervention Next Year AtD cycle for data-informed decisions: Completed 36 focus groups in Reading I and II Will provide focus group results: targeted April 1, 2009 Design interventions to address barriers: targeted spring 2009 Implement Reading I & II interventions: targeted fall 2009 Assess impact of intervention Revise intervention Continue cycle
Research Team 28 team members Research topics/teams: Orientation Advising CCSSE Existing TCC initiatives Research Sources: Peer institutions Oklahoma institutions AtD website National databases TCC Institutional Research Research Outcomes: Use BB site as a repository for research and discussion Provide links for college –wide review and access Provide summary reports for campus teams as requested Provide data from existing TCC initiatives that include orientation/advising components
Communication Internal Dedicated BB AtD organization website Team rosters Central calendar Meeting records Discussion boards Wimba/wiki Exploration of creative communication venues Newsbytes External Web site AtD Quick Link Team rosters TCC report card data Student focus group data Faculty & staff focus group data Archives Community outreach planning
Developmental Math 2009 – 2010 Study and Planning Year Math intervention to be prepared for Fall 2010 implementation. Math study officially next year Math faculty meeting next week with AtD to begin identifying courses this year for analysis. Math faculty will suggest numbers of focus groups per campus for each course to identify “Why.” Additional focus group facilitator/scribes will be trained spring 2009 if additional facilitator/scribes are needed. Developmental math focus groups to be conducted fall semester 2009 on all campuses. Results target date: April 1, 2010
AtD Touchstones Communication Collaboration Transparency