Passionate Pirate Worksheet Assignment 2
Content Passion My favorite classes to each are equine science and AP Environmental Science. I love all of my agricultural courses, but these are my favorites. Since I was 10 years old, I was always involved with the equine species through riding lessons, showing and owning horses. I love sharing my knowledge of the equine species with other. The AP Environmental Science course allows me to have students that would not have taken an agricultural course in our department. This has opened the doors for students to become involved in the FFA who would not have considered it in the first place. Within your subject matter, what are you passionate about teaching? In other words, of all the topics and standards you teach as part of your curriculum, which are the ones you most enjoy?
Professional Passion I enjoy seeing students be successful in both their classes and in the FFA. The smile of happiness on a student’s face when they are successful in a competition is one of the greatest feelings ever. Many students do not have the chance to showcase their talents, and the agricultural department allows them to do this. This opportunity given to a student ignites a fire inside of me! Within your profession, but not specific to your subject matter, what are you passionate about? What is it about being an educator that drives you? What ignites a fire inside of you?
Personal Passion I am passionate about the equine species, and riding, showing, and owning horses is one of my favorite activities. As a kid, I always had to board my horse, but now I can look out my kitchen window and watch them at anytime. This was always something I wanted to do, and now I have the opportunity to do it. I love to go out on motorcycles rides with my husband. This is a time when my husband and I can spend time together and enjoy some relaxation time. Along the same lines, going on a family vacation is very relaxing to me and spending time with my son. I love to can food for the winter. I enjoy trying new recipes and canning many varieties of vegetables and fruit, and then at Christmas time, I love to give some of the items I canned for gifts. People tend to enjoy items that were handmade, and they love to try the new items I can each year. Completely outside of your profession, what are you passionate about?