Research-Based Literacy Instructional Strategies for Mathematics and Science Instruction Building Excellence in STEM Teaching Laveria F. Hutchison
Introduction Pre-Session Discussion Presentation of Literacy Strategies Post-Session Activity with Discussion Questions/Responses
State of Texas Data Hispanic population in Texas is 48.3% White population in Texas is 33.8% Black population in Texas is 11.8% Asian population in Texas is 3.4% Other (representation of various languages ) in Texas is 2.7% Source: U. S. Census 2010, P. L
Note Taking Header (Student’s Name, Date, Subject, Topic, Pages covered from the textbook, Class Period and additional information) For six weeks, teacher provides a listing of discussion topics (Questions, Statements, Vocabulary related to the topic) Student provides responses Student writes a summary paragraph Peer Reflections and Edits
Comprehension Monitoring (Brown and Palincsar, 1984) Predicting from headings, illustrations and text-sources Mental or Written Images Link new information with prior knowledge Verbalize confusing points (re-stating, questioning, seeking additional information) Clarifying of Details (Re-reading, asking the teacher or peers, seeking new data) Teacher-like Questions Demonstrations, literacy walls and discussion Peer Editing of Thinking Summarizing
Instructional Cycle for Learners Preparation (objectives, usage of visual aids, lesson expectations and examples) Instruction (background, vocabulary development, study guide, strategy usage, student/teacher interaction, hands-on materials and pacing/time consideration) Review/Assessment (group interaction, feedback and continuous assessment practices)
Scaffolding Strategies Vocabulary Self-Selection Selective Reading Guide (Page 389: Describe binary fission.) Discussion Web (Considers relevant and irrelevant information in word problems) Semantic Feature Analysis (Links background with new information)
Teachers Encourage students to think about text Assist students with evaluating their predictions Apply learning styles during instruction Implement and model research-based literacy strategies Provide opportunities for small group interaction Students Take notes Read actively (ask questions, locate responses and interact with peers)
Going Forward Tutoring Professional Development Assessment Practices (Project- Based) Teacher/Action Research Community of Learners