WELCOME TO FIFTH GRADE SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES Mr. Fallon, Mrs. Whitehead, Mrs. Rasavage, Mrs. Evans
SCIENCE 1 st and 3 rd MP Scientific Practices Understanding Scientific Explanations Generate Scientific Evidence through active investigation Physical Science Properties of Matter Changes in Matter Environmental Science Matter and Energy Transformation Interdependency Scientific Practices Understanding Scientific Explanations Generate Scientific Evidence through active investigation Physical Science Properties of Matter Changes in Matter Environmental Science Matter and Energy Transformation Interdependency
Learning through active discovery Students participate in labs Students will work in groups of 2 – 4 Students will work with different students throughout year Students will work with chemicals Students will wear goggles for safety during labs Foss Kits Foss Workbooks Foss Story books Students participate in labs Students will work in groups of 2 – 4 Students will work with different students throughout year Students will work with chemicals Students will wear goggles for safety during labs Foss Kits Foss Workbooks Foss Story books
SOCIAL STUDIES 2 nd and 4 th MP Early Explorers of America through the 13 Colonies TCI Interactive ( All students will receive a username and password for TCI online access Physical textbook and online access to virtual textbook Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) book Research Paper Early Explorers of America through the 13 Colonies TCI Interactive ( All students will receive a username and password for TCI online access Physical textbook and online access to virtual textbook Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) book Research Paper
Extra Credit CNN student News posted on Fridays and due on Monday Must be on worksheet provided Must be answered in complete sentences You Tube Home Lab Videos Students can make videos of science experiments CNN student News posted on Fridays and due on Monday Must be on worksheet provided Must be answered in complete sentences You Tube Home Lab Videos Students can make videos of science experiments
Binders Students will keep all materials in their binder for the entire marking period. They should not throw anything away. Students will separate materials into the proper tabs. Binders are graded at the end of the Marking Period At the end of each marking period (once binder has been graded) I will go through binder with each class and identify everything they can discard Students will keep all materials in their binder for the entire marking period. They should not throw anything away. Students will separate materials into the proper tabs. Binders are graded at the end of the Marking Period At the end of each marking period (once binder has been graded) I will go through binder with each class and identify everything they can discard
Grading Policy Tests – 45% Quizzes – 30% Homework – 10% Classwork – 15% Tests – 45% Quizzes – 30% Homework – 10% Classwork – 15%
Homework Always answer questions in complete sentences Always hand in homework on the day it is due Students should get into the habit of checking the Wiki every day after school Since the homework is on a Google calendar, students can add this calendar to their smart devices, (ex. Iphones, ipods, android phones), for quick checking All Students start off with a 100% homework grade, for every non graded homework assignment that is late they will lose 5% off their homework grade. All late graded homework/long term assignments will follow the fifth grade homework policy Always answer questions in complete sentences Always hand in homework on the day it is due Students should get into the habit of checking the Wiki every day after school Since the homework is on a Google calendar, students can add this calendar to their smart devices, (ex. Iphones, ipods, android phones), for quick checking All Students start off with a 100% homework grade, for every non graded homework assignment that is late they will lose 5% off their homework grade. All late graded homework/long term assignments will follow the fifth grade homework policy
I am aware that ______________________________________ has missed the above assignment. I realize that, because this assignment is late, it will have a negative consequence on the final grade. ___________________________________________ ______________________ Parent Signature Date Fill out the slip below. Cut it out, and return it the next school day. Keep the top portion for your records. MISSING or INCOMPLETE WORK FORM Name ___________________________________________ Date ______________________ Homeroom: Bowker/Fallon/Tarletsky/Torrey Subject: _____________________________ Title of Assignment ____________________________________________________________ I did not turn in the assignment because: ___ I did not bring home the correct materials ___ I forgot about the assignment. I did not to complete the assignment. check the wiki. ___ I lost the assignment and did not take/ask ___ I left it at home. for a new one. ___ I didn’t finish the entire assignment. ___ I just didn’t do it. ___ Other: ___________________________ ___ I did the wrong assignment. ________________________________ ________________________________ The assignment is: ___ Late ONE day = -5 points ___ Late TWO days = -10 points ___ Late THREE days = -15 points **Assignment will not be accepted after three days and will be entered as a 0% in the grade book.** I understand that homework is written in each classroom and posted on the wiki. I understand that I am responsible for completing my work and making sure it is turned in. ______________________________________ Student’s Signature