John 11: The Resurrection Of Lazarus
The Pharisees The Sadducees
John 11: The Resurrection Of Lazarus Verses CaiaphasVerses 49-50
John 11: The Resurrection Of Lazarus Verses CaiaphasVerses Matthew 26:57-68
The religion that crucified Jesus was a religion that was willing to compromise truth! Psalm 33:4; Exodus 20:16 The religion that crucified Jesus was a religion that turned its back on the Scriptures! John 5:39; Rom.10:2-3 The religion that crucified Jesus was a religion that rejected Christ! John 14:6; 1 Cor.3:11
The religion of Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin today: Wherever church leaders play politics! Wherever preachers compromise the truth! Wherever our lives don’t measure up to our claims! Wherever we try to justify our sin! Wherever we reject Christ for something else! Wherever opinion, preference, and tradition are placed ahead of Scripture!
The religion of Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin today: Wherever church leaders play politics! Wherever preachers compromise the truth! Wherever our lives don’t measure up to our claims! Wherever we try to justify our sin! Wherever we reject Christ for something else! Wherever opinion, preference, and tradition are placed ahead of Scripture! One Answer! One Remedy! Go To Jesus Christ! Get Into God’s Word! Learn The Truth…And Do What It Says! Start Here: Matthew 22:37! Be Genuine! Love The Lord! Love The Church! Love The Truth!