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On Your Own Revise Lesson PROJECT MEETING 2 AssessmentSubmit Lesson for Staff Review On Your Own Trade Lesson Plans and Review with Your Peer Review Partner PROJECT MEETING 1 Lesson Plan Format Form Peer Review Groups
FINALLY... Share Your Hard Work With Others! PROJECT MEETING 4 Share Final ProductFinal Editing of CD On Your Own Submit Revised Lesson a 2 nd Time to Staff Reviewers PROJECT MEETING 3 Cross Group Peer Review
Commitment to addressing the College Readiness Standards. Each lesson is required to specifically target at least one content standard and two process standard. All assessments undergo rigorous inspection by an independent assessment specialist trained in psychometric analysis to ensure targets are met for each question. Each question references the specific student outcome from the College Readiness Standards.
Pre-assessment: Consists of multiple choice and extended response questions. Lesson Environment: Evidence of embedded Process Standards. Evidence of ways that the lesson elicits student attributes from the College Readiness Standards. Summative Assessment: Consists of multiple choice and extended response questions.
Phil VID00018
Format of the Lesson Plan The Assessment Component- time consuming Commitment must be there and be firm with the schedule. Technology Issues Compensation
Teacher Use Use an entire lesson Pull activities from the lesson Use pre-test/post-test questions -For warm-ups for pre-class activities -Choose questions to add to your own exams. School/ District Use Upload lessons onto a district server so all teachers have access to same lesson set. Designated math person can disaggregate the lessons into separate folders by course for easy access. Use as a professional development tool.
Goals: Create and authentic look at how a standards based lesson comes to life. Provide a professional development tool for teachers to consider new or different practices. Process: Pre-interview to discuss the process and experience of the Lesson Writing Workshops and the intent of the lesson. Classroom filming of the lesson in action. Post-interview to reflect on the accuracy of the lesson targets and the experience of the teacher in the classroom.
See other teachers teach Talk to colleagues about common lesson Apply experience to own instruction Reflect on individual teaching practices
Focus on student engagement and interaction as well as teacher performance Unobtrusive video recording High quality finished product
A powerful opportunity to Discuss the creation and implementation of a lesson Share our observations about the lesson outcomes in the classroom Think about the process for creating lessons that all teachers can use Amanda Shearer-Hannah Lesson Writer
How the cameras affected my teaching More pressure to perform What cameras? How the cameras affected the students Some had typical camera-shyness Did not impact their ability to complete assignment Benefit of improving my teaching with knowledgeable professional advice Taught one of the best lessons of my life Holly Rutledge-Algebra II High School Teacher filmed teaching a CRS Lesson