Branford High School Principal – Seth Thoreson
% Proficient in Reading % Proficient in Math % Proficient in Writing % Proficient in Science % Learning Gains in Reading % Learning Gains in Math % Lowest 25% making Learning Gains in Reading % Lowest 25% making Learning Gains in Math Total Total = 501points School Grade = 2011 TBA 525 points = A 2010 School Grade B
Grade LevelReading 6 th gradeInformational text and Research Process 7 th gradeReading Application 8 th gradeVocabulary 9 th gradeLiterary Analysis 10 th gradeInformational Text and Research Process
Grade LevelContent Area 6 th grade Geometry and Measurement 7 th grade Geometry and Measurement 8 th gradeRatio, Proportional Relationships 9 th grade Algebraic Thinking 10 th grade Geometry and Measurement
Grade ClusterContent Area Middle School (grades 6,7,8) Earth and Space Sciences High School (grades 9-10) Biology
68% of students will achieve high standards in Reading this is a 8% increase as compared to the school year. Increase the percentage of learning gains for students scoring at level 4 and 5 by 6%. Increase the percentage of learning gains for students in the lower quartile by 11%.
Ineffective strategies for increasing student achievements Lack of effective Data Analysis Lack of Alignment of lesson plans and NGSSS Lack of Engagement in cross curricular content area readings Lowest 25% does not have reading sustainability skills. Lowest 25% need to strengthen their vocabulary Lack of decoding skills in the lowest 25%
Round Table data chats on regular basis Correlate lessons to the NGSSS. Increased exposure to robust vocabulary Implement Read alouds and “fix it” strategies Implement Failure Free Reading in Intensive Reading classes.
75% of students will achieve high standards in Math. This is a 9% increase from the school year Increase the percentage of learning gains for students scoring at level 4 and 5 by 4%. Increase the percentage of learning gains for students in the lower quartile by 10%.
Lack of Rigor Lack of prerequisite skills in BHS students Student adjustment to higher standards Students not performing consistently in rigorous curriculum
Spiral Reviews Differentiated Instruction Monthly meetings to determine effectiveness of strategies used. Weekly Mastery tests in High School Utilize PMA data to direct lessons
60% of students will be on or above grade level. This is a 9 % increase from, the school year. 5% increase for students at level 4 and 5 for the 8 th grade. Biology is striving for 60% at or above grade level (first year EOC exam.)
Lack of effective data analysis Lack of rigor in instructional practices
Use PMA data to direct lessons Honor Classes to improve Rigor for levels 4 & 5 Use differentiated Instruction
97% of students will meet high standards (level 3) in Writing. 78% of students will score a level 4 or higher in Writing.
Lack of professional development related to the 2012 writing protocols. Insufficient exposure to writing instruction.
Common planning trainings Select staff will attend Mary Lewis Training Students have meet this requirement in The state recently changed requirements with the 2012 Writing Protocols. Teachers have re-evaluated the instructional strategies to meet the new expectations from the state.
PMA testing 2x a year in Reading, Math, Science (ThinkGate.) FAIR testing 4x per year in Reading STAR testing 4x per year in Reading and Math School Wide writing prompts 2x per year FCAT and EOC assessments
MTSSS Committee meet weekly to discuss data and use it to drive instruction Principal, A.P. and Academic coach meet monthly to discuss trends from assessment and walkthrough data. All teachers keep data notebooks which are available for review (Work in progress) Administration and select MTSSS Committee members will do classroom walkthroughs regularly.
Students will increase their attendance to 95%. This is a 7% increase from the school year. Reduce the number of students with excessive absences to less than 30 students.
Lack of communication with parents related to student attendance Lack of student motivation to come to school
Follow up absences with letters and daily phone calls to parents for the students who are absent through One Call Now Utilization of MTSSS (Multi-Tiered System of Student Support) and PBS (Positive Behavior Support)
50% of Parents will participate in at least 1 parent involvement activity in the school year. Parents will represent 51% or more of the School Advisory Committee.
Lack of convenient times for parents to meet Parents lack of knowledge in regards to scheduled events
Notices sent to parents by student, phone and websites. Student achievement events will be scheduled at convenient times for parents to attend (evenings). Parents will be encouraged to become part of committees.
Students not accepting a highly effective accountability system Ineffective Classroom Management Ineffective Motivation
In school suspension will be reduced by 30%. Out of school suspension will be reduced by 30%
Administrators' will be highly visible Regular walkthroughs by administrators will encourage appropriate behavior of students. Possible CHAMPS training for classroom management Positive Behavior Support
Reduce the Dropout Rate by 7% Increase Graduation Rate by 7%
Lack of attendance by students that do not have enough credits to graduate.
Guidance Counselor/MTSSS committee will provide encouragement on as needed basis. Guidance counselor will ensure students have an effective graduation plan.
Increase the number of proficient students in reading by 10% Increase the number of proficient students in math by 10% Continue to make progress in the writing proficiency and graduate rate Make adequate learning gains with all students paying attention to Whites and Economically Disadvantaged students.