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A collection of PowerPoint resources that can quickly and easily be adapted to individual curriculums and age levels. Resources include: Game templates for popular games like Jeopardy, Hollywood Square, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, and more. Games and activities formatted around familiar games like Bingo, Flash Cards, Trivia, and more. PowerPoint presentations like Writing a Friendly or Business Letter, understanding irony and inference, and more. Ready-made games and game boards, printable spinners, dice, and more. PowerPoint backgrounds for teachers K-12. Home
1. It makes your classroom the #1 Learning Spot. 2. Interest in activity = more learning 3. Great “hook” to grab your students attention. They will BEG for more!! 4. Reinforces learning through popular game shows and familiar games. 5. Our students want to be entertained. 6. Our world surrounds us with technology and visual stimuli. 7.Flexible and easy to use. Teachers can still have a life! 8. Add enthusiasm and variety into your classroom. 9. Can adapt to any age level and academic standard. 10. Support learning objectives. Home
The PowerPoint activities and games can be adopted and changed to meet the needs of the different types of learners that teachers will encounter in their classrooms. Teachers will be able to adapt these lessons according to their students’ readiness, interest, and learning profiles. These activities and games will provide teachers a “hook” to interest their students so more learning can occur. Also students can play these games on individual computers, and teachers can also burn them on CDs so students can take them home for extra practice. Home
PowerPoint presentations and games. Divided into categories and grade levels. Example: Science K-5; Math 6-12 PowerPoint background templates for teacher k teach.fcps.net/trt14/Power%20Point%20Games/power_point_games.htmteach.fcps.net/trt14/Power%20Point%20Games/power_point_games.htm PowerPoint games like Jeopardy, Hollywood Squares. Templates, instructions. And grade levels. 4. Writing LettersWriting Letters Friendly/Business letters. PowerPoint Presentation on writing Friendly letter. Letter writing stationary Ready made games/game boards. Printable spinners/ dice etc. 6. The Lesson Plans Page - Computer & Internet Lesson Plans, Computer Ideas, & Internet ActivitiesThe Lesson Plans Page - Computer & Internet Lesson Plans, Computer Ideas, & Internet Activities Lesson plans for computer and Internet. Jr./High school games formatted around popular game shows and other familiar games 8. Games like Jeopardy, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Twenty Questions, Holiday Squares Home
Hopewell-Loudon School P.O. Box 400 Bascom, Ohio ext. 113 Have the courage to touch each student’s life; The wisdom to know what they need; The heart to make each student feel like they are important, and; The truth that each individual student has the answers to life in their “own backyard” and not off “Somewhere over the Rainbow,” but “The Kingdom of Oz” is within each of us. Teachers have the power to make a difference. Home