Objective Increase uptake of voluntary counseling and HIV testing in all Chan Troi Moi sites in 6 provinces Increase awareness of National Testing Month promotion Promote Chan Troi Moi sites – high quality, availability etc. Support government partners in promoting VCT through existing networks
Comprehensive Communication Plan Television Programs – Integrated messages within 2 popular comedy shows (Cuoi Chut Choi) Print media – advertisements in 2 popular newspapers (An Ninh Thu Do & Thanh Nien) PR promotion – 29 articles on VCT and National Testing month in major newspapers Web-based advertising – Electronic banners in popular websites (yahoo messenger, vnexpress.net, 24h.com.vn, Ground level presence – banners, posters, and flyers, street based in & around high risk areas Information booths – in key locations and VAAC exhibition 28 Small Events – in and around high risk areas
Focused Messaging National Testing Month – all communication materials highlight Chan Troi Moi sites and testing month promotion Theme – “Share hope, protect happiness” (Chia se niem tin, Giu gin hanh phuc) New materials for promoting testing month along with existing Chan Troi Moi materials (posters, marketing cards, leaflets etc.)
Web Ads Results 3,616 clicks on 24h.com.vn website ad 5,132 clicks on VNExpress.Net website ad 4,748 clicks on VNN.Vn website ad Over 40,000 clicks on Yahoo Messenger ad
Small Events Objective is to raise awareness of national testing month & location of Chan Troi Moi sites 28 events planned during Dec Every weekend 16 planned in HCMC and 12 in Hanoi Based on mapping of high risk spots & VCT site locations Include combination of VCT promotion & entertainment activities – to attract large numbers of the target groups Campaign materials – flyers, brochures/leaflets & marketing cards will be distributed
Small event’s structure Introduction Crowd puller: Entertainment programs Games: Q&A, Quiz to win prize Topic on VCT Information about VCT Benefits of going to VCT VCT location VCT process Q&A for participants Games Entertainment programs
Games and Comedy Game 1: HIV and VCT quiz Game 2: Spinning the wheel game for VCT information Game 3: Watch some short HIV movie with key messages in each movie - Player have to answer some questions about health issues, HIV/AIDS knowledge, VCT knowledge and all the understanding of risky behaviors. If they answer correctly, they will reach 1 promotional gift. Promotional gifts can be VCT key chain, T-shirt or Jackets. Circus and magic programs -From 3 to 4 magic games to attract the attention and sustain the interest of the crowd
Small Events: Quang Trung, HCMC
Small Events: Gia Dinh Park, HCMC
Support to PACs Provide campaign materials (posters, brochures, marketing cards to PEs for distribution among high risk groups – IDUs, SWs, MSM National HIV Testing month uniforms & promotional items for all PEs PSI’s IPC teams will also promote national testing month among male clients of SWs in entertainment establishment settings Support WAD activities for each PAC in 6 provinces
IEC Materials and Promotional Items
Results: Increase in client update
Thank you!