Evolution of PUI Distributions E. Möbius 1, B. Klecker 2, P. Bochsler 1, G. Gloeckler 3, H. Kucharek 1, P.A. Isenberg 1 1 Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans & Space and Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA 2 Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany 3 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA 1 Institute for the Study of Earth, Oceans & Space and Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, USA 2 Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Garching, Germany 3 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA Supported by NASA SR&T, STP, ACE, Prodex, Swiss NF, & DLR
Strong Variations in Pickup Ion Distributions Pickup Ion Distributions are Highly Variable Pickup Ions React to: - IMF Orientation (early Rollover) - IMF Strength (Compression and Rarefaction) - SW Density (Compression and Rarefaction) - Ionization rates & probably several unknown causes For Deduction of LIC Parameters Mitigation Sought with: - Long Integration Times Plan: Attempt to Understand Causes - Also Provides Handle on Ion Transport and Acceleration STEREO A,B & ACE Provide Simultaneous Observations Pickup Ion Distributions are Highly Variable Pickup Ions React to: - IMF Orientation (early Rollover) - IMF Strength (Compression and Rarefaction) - SW Density (Compression and Rarefaction) - Ionization rates & probably several unknown causes For Deduction of LIC Parameters Mitigation Sought with: - Long Integration Times Plan: Attempt to Understand Causes - Also Provides Handle on Ion Transport and Acceleration STEREO A,B & ACE Provide Simultaneous Observations
STEREO-A & STEREO-B He + Cone Observations in 2007 At STEREO-B: Cone has Double Peak At STEREO-B: Cone has Double Peak At STEREO A: Cone has Single Peak Cone appears narrower At STEREO A: Cone has Single Peak Cone appears narrower Phasing with SW Streams Determines Shape
STEREO-A & STEREO-B He + Cone Observations in 2007 He + relates to N sw, particularly at CIR compressions
STEREO-A He + Observations in 2007 & 2008 He + Peaks Related to J sw but not much better than with N sw Phasing with SW Streams Determines Shape Pickup Ions are Related to SW Density and Flux, but not the full story Sorting according to IMF Orientation doesn’t improve correlation
Additional Cone Variations Could Transport with IMF Play a Role? IMF Could Transport PUIs out of the Cone Different IMF Orientation Could Enable Varying Transport Implicit Assumption: PUIs ride with SW - But only part of the PUI phase space does Other phase space parts ride (along B) from different directions STEREO A&B April 1, 2007 approx. Parker ACE
Pickup Ion Phase Space Distribution and their Observation Assume Isotropic Distribution - Fast pitch-angle scattering - Adiabatic Cooling - Mapping of Neutral Source Assume Isotropic Distribution - Fast pitch-angle scattering - Adiabatic Cooling - Mapping of Neutral Source PUI PSD Centered on SW - V sw cut symmetric about SW - But not in flux! PUI PSD Centered on SW - V sw cut symmetric about SW - But not in flux! Observed PUI PSD - Integrated over ∆ & ∆E in SW Sector Observed PUI PSD - Integrated over ∆ & ∆E in SW Sector Good Agreement 1.4<w< 1.8! Differences: - At Cut-off - Near SW Good Agreement 1.4<w< 1.8! Differences: - At Cut-off - Near SW
Study of Variations Requires Baseline of Neutral Distribution and Mapping into PUI Distributions via Ionization & Cooling Start to Tackle this Issue! Previous Paradigm: Cooling is Completely Adiabatic Implies - Expansion as 1/r 2 for SW and IMF - Immediate Isotropization of PUIs Yet:- Evidence for Compressions & Decompressions - Evidence for Slow Scattering for PUIs How Can We Separate the Cooling Coefficient? Study of Variations Requires Baseline of Neutral Distribution and Mapping into PUI Distributions via Ionization & Cooling Start to Tackle this Issue! Previous Paradigm: Cooling is Completely Adiabatic Implies - Expansion as 1/r 2 for SW and IMF - Immediate Isotropization of PUIs Yet:- Evidence for Compressions & Decompressions - Evidence for Slow Scattering for PUIs How Can We Separate the Cooling Coefficient? Perplexing Variations of Pickup Ions - Impact of Ionization & Cooling
Influence of Ionization & Cooling PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling: Along Inflow Axis Assume = 1.5 Assume = 1.2 PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling: Along Inflow Axis Assume = 1.5 Assume = 1.2
Influence of Ionization & Cooling PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling: Along Inflow Axis Use = 1.5 & 1.2 Assume = 1 AU (SolMax) Assume = 0.3 AU (SolMin) PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling: Along Inflow Axis Use = 1.5 & 1.2 Assume = 1 AU (SolMax) Assume = 0.3 AU (SolMin) Requires Pickup Ion Data Over Full Solar Cycle Available from ACE SWICS!
Influence of Ionization & Cooling PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling ACE SWICS PUI PSDs June 2001 & Along Inflow Axis = 0.85 AU (SolMax) = 0.34 AU (SolMin) Use = 2.0, 1.5 & 1.2 in Model Looks Tantalizing! Acceptable V/V sw To Do PSD Integration!! PUI Distribution Determined by Ionization & Cooling ACE SWICS PUI PSDs June 2001 & Along Inflow Axis = 0.85 AU (SolMax) = 0.34 AU (SolMin) Use = 2.0, 1.5 & 1.2 in Model Looks Tantalizing! Acceptable V/V sw To Do PSD Integration!!
Summary & Conclusions Interstellar He Cone Traversals with STEREO A & B Show remarkable substructure aligned with SW density enhancements, but neither SW density, flux, ionization and IMF variations explain all PUI variations Potential Culprits: a) Deviations from adiabatic cooling b) Transport effects not aligned with SW a) First attempt to separate effects of ionization rates and cooling behavior on PUI spectra appear to suggest a deviation from plain adiabatic dependence (w 3/2 ), but so far only pseudo phase space density evaluated b) ACE & STEREO Spring 2007 at 0.01AU along Interstellar He Cone Traversals with STEREO A & B Show remarkable substructure aligned with SW density enhancements, but neither SW density, flux, ionization and IMF variations explain all PUI variations Potential Culprits: a) Deviations from adiabatic cooling b) Transport effects not aligned with SW a) First attempt to separate effects of ionization rates and cooling behavior on PUI spectra appear to suggest a deviation from plain adiabatic dependence (w 3/2 ), but so far only pseudo phase space density evaluated b) ACE & STEREO Spring 2007 at 0.01AU along
Thank You! Support for this Project: - NASA SR&T - NASA ACE - NASA Solar Terrestrial Probes - PRODEX & Swiss National Foundation - DLR in Germany