Faculty of Information Technology and Communication for Education King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand Design of Intelligent Cooperative Education Process Management system on Cloud Computing Technology
Today’s globalization, Information Technology becomes an important part of our lives. Educational Institution is another unit that applies information system to manage learning and education. Current social and economic conditions make labor market to be more competitive This is an important part to prepare graduated students to be able to choose their career and ready to enter working system as soon as they graduate.
to design of intelligent cooperative education process management system on cloud computing technology. to evaluate the design a of intelligent cooperative education process management system on cloud computing technology.
Phase 1: Reviewed papers and synthesized relevant literature to scope the area of studied and depth interview with stakeholder surveys and gather requirement information system. Phase 2: Evaluate the design of the information system for intelligent cooperative education process management on cloud computing technology.
Population and Sample Phase 1: population who were stakeholder about intelligent cooperative education process management system. Sample who were stakeholder about intelligent cooperative education process management system amount four persons.
Population and Sample Phase 2: population who were experts in cooperative education with information and communication technology in higher education institutions. Sample who were experts in cooperative education with information and communication technology in higher education institutions amount nine persons by purposive sampling.
Tools 1. a semi-structured interview. 2. closed-ended question of a questionnaire with a five point rating scale.
Data Analysis Data gained from the expert evaluation on the design of intelligent cooperative education process management on cloud computing technology were collected. Statistics used to analyze data were mean and standard deviation.
The results revealed as follows: (1) For a design intelligent cooperative education process management system on cloud computing technology, researcher designs the system with two diagrams including context diagram, and architecture diagram. And two diagrams had details as follows.
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(2) Evaluation result to check possible appropriation to use context diagram and architectural diagram of intelligent co-operative education process management system on cloud computing technology in a real practice. The average appropriation is in highly level (mean = 4.55, S.D. = 0.51). Details shown in table 1.
Designing CriteriaMeanS.D.Appropriation - Appropriation to choose diagram Highly - Correspondence between diagram and system user’s need Highly - Correctness of system analysis to design Highly - Correctness diagram of symbols used in the diagram Highly - Correctness of data flow Highly - Correctness of system’s sub-process diagram Highly Table 1: The results evaluated by the experts
Designing CriteriaMeanS.D.Appropriation - Understanding to reflect idea Highly - Correctness of the analysis of technical possibility education Highly - Correctness of the analysis of operation possibility Highly - Appropriation to choose system development concept Highly Average Highly Table 1: The results evaluated by the experts
(1) The studied of document, related research including interview of the professional in co-operative education management and cloud computing technology issues helps the researchers to be able to design context diagram which shown both parts of people who were related to the system which were educational institution and business.
(2) Result of possible appropriation evaluation by using all 2 diagrams as ideas to develop the system is in a preset level (the preset criteria is in much level) and when considering the overall average, the appropriation is in Highly level (Mean = 4.55, S.D. = 0.51).
Researcher would like to express our gratitude to the Faculty of Technical Education, Vocational Education Technology Research Center and Innovation and Technology Research Center at the Science and Technology Research Institute, King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok for supporting this research.