Bus Service Review Parish Council Forum 17 th October 2011
Bus Service Review Rutland County Council aims to provide services that support the needs of passengers throughout the County In , the Council spent £397,000 on subsidies for public transport in Rutland – funding provided by RCC to support service provision This supported 430,000 patron journeys in Rutland, a cost of £0.92 per journey The Council continues to seek ways to maximise cost effectiveness The RCC Scrutiny Panel will start a Task and Finish Group in Spring 2012 to review transport services in Rutland including home to school transport Parish Councils and residents will be encouraged to participate, in order to have their say on how transport is delivered in the future
CallConnect Service presently covers the Eastern part of Rutland (including Stretton, Whitwell, Lyndon, Glaston & Seaton) Demand Responsive service to Stamford and limited stops in Peterborough (Queens Gate, Hospital etc) Journeys can be pre-booked 7 days in advance Bus designed to serve standard bus stops – however, frail and infirm clients can have a home pick-up Fully wheelchair accessible service
Building a Vision for Future Services Two further CallConnect schemes to serve the rest of the county The first additional hub would be Uppingham / Corby serving the southern part of the County The final part of the network will be a hub based on Oakham serving the north of the county Funding is being sought as a component of RCC’s “Access For Rutland” bid to the Department for Transport’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund Bid also includes a bus service to circle communities around Rutland Water – this will assist with tourism and provide residents with additional bus services Results due early 2012
Bus Services Map
Bus Service Subsidies Service no Annual subsidy cost% of Total Subsidy Annual Patronage 9 £ 23,0005.8% 186,174 Hopper £ 66, % 60,752 RF1 £ 44, % 140,489 RF2 £ 110, % 12 £ 49, % 32, £ 2,2200.1% 522 R47 £ 48, % 5,659 CallConnect £ 26,2506.6% 2, £ 25,7286.5% 1,987 Total£ 397, ,164
Town Bus Services TownPopulation (ONS 2009 Estimate) % of Rutland Population Uppingham4,67912% Services Hourly Service to Oakham & Corby (Rutland Flyer 1) Hourly Service to Leicester (747) 2 Hourly Service to Stamford (12) Daily Service to Peterborough (R47)
Town Bus Services TownPopulation (ONS 2009 Estimate) % of Rutland Population Oakham11,09529% Services Hopper£66,227 pa17% bus expenditure Hourly service to Nottingham (19) Hourly service to Corby (Rutland Flyer 1) Hourly service to Stamford & Peterborough (9) Hourly service to Melton (Rutland Flyer 2 & 113)
Major Village Bus Services SettlementPopulation (2001 Census) Service Whissendine1,189Hourly service (Nottingham – Oakham) Langham1,042Hourly service (Nottingham – Oakham) Cottesmore2,3322 Hourly service (Melton – Oakham) Ryhall1,6442 hourly service (Stamford – Bourne) Ketton1,6662 hourly service (Uppingham – Stamford) Edith Weston1,0422 hourly service (Uppingham – Stamford)
Bus Performance Bus Passenger Journeys 2007/082008/092009/102010/11 Actual366,673430,611417,102430,064 Starting Route On Time2007/082008/092009/102010/11 Actual94.33%93.38%91.19%93.29%