Week 8: Research Methods: Qualitative Research 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Week 8: Research Methods: Qualitative Research 1

Exercise Goal: get the most useful information from the key persons with the most cost-effective and realistic methods. What types of information are used ? How those information were collected and analyzed? e.g., using questionnaires, surveys? How can you tell the accuracy and credibility of the information? What methods could gather more needed information? What qualitative issues would you like to find out further? 2

Types of Methodologies Qualitative Measures Numbers not the primary focus Interpretive, ethnographic Quantitative Measures Statistical Quantifiable/Measurable 3

Qualitative Methods Qualitative research: concerns more with understanding why people behave as the way they do: about their values, opinions, behaviors, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, etc and social contexts of particular populations. It is especially effective in obtaining culturally specific information. (e.g., why do middle-class consumers prefer buying IKEA products?). Qualitative research: allows the subjects being studied to give ‘ richer ’ answers to the research questions, and may give valuable insights and personal experience. 4

Main Methods of Qualitative Research Focus groups Case-study In-depth interviews Direct observation 5

What forms do qualitative data take? The types of data those methods generate include: field notes, Audio/video recordings, and Transcripts. 6

Qualitative Research Methods- Case Study Case studies concern understanding a complex issue or object, they emphasize detailed contextual analysis of a limited number of events or conditions and their relationships. Case study research method is an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real- life context; and in which multiple sources of evidence are used (Yin, 1984, p. 23). Define the research questions Select the cases/determine data gathering/analysis techniques Prepare to collect the data Collect data in the field Evaluate and analyze the data Prepare/Write up the report 7

Qualitative Research Methods- In-depth Interview It involves conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of respondents to explore their perspectives on a particular event. Greater spontaneity and adaptation: Interviewees are free to respond in their own words, and these responses tend to be more complex than simply “ yes ” or “ no. ” They are used for collecting data on individuals ’ personal histories, perspectives, and experiences. Probing issues in detail: They encourage subjects to express their views at length. Researchers have the opportunity to respond immediately to what interviewees said by tailoring subsequent questions. When choosing interviewees, one should consider a sample that best represents the diverse opinions of those stakeholders. You will know when you have done enough when you hear the same information from a number of stakeholders. 8

Qualitative Research Methods- Focus Group Researchers bring together a small number of subjects to discuss a given topic or themes. The researcher usually ‘ chairs ’ the discussion, to ensure that the topic are well- explored. The discussion is frequently recorded, then transcribed and analyzed. Steps: - Preparing for the group session -Developing questions -Planning the agenda /sessions -Facilitating sessions -Immediately after session Example: Re-opening of Victorian Museum. Used group workshops to generate data. Brainstorming ways to be used to design the ‘ ideal ’ re-opening activities. 9

Qualitative Research Methods- Direct Observation Data can be collected by an external observer, referred to as a non-participant observer, or by a participant observer, who can be a member of staff, observing the process. The researcher aims to become immersed in or become part of the population being studied, so that they can develop a detailed understanding of the values and beliefs held by members of the population. Sometimes a list of observations the researcher is specifically looking for is prepared before-hand, other times the observer makes notes about anything they observe for analysis later. Example: the production culture of CCTV. 10

General framework -Seek to explore phenomena-exploratory research -Instruments use more flexible, iterative style of eliciting and categorizing responses to questions -Use semi-structured methods such as in-depth interviews, focus groups, and participant observation Analytical objectives -To describe variation -To describe and explain relationships -To describe individual experiences -To describe group norms Question styles Open-ended Data form Text-based (obtained from audiotapes, videotapes, and field notes) 11 Overview of Qualitative Research Methods

Limitations of Qualitative Methods Due to the labor intensive nature, only limited numbers of subjects can be studied. Tend to be subject to researcher bias; the difficulties in analyzing qualitative data rigorously; The lack of reproducibility and generalisability of the findings (i.e. findings may not be applicable to other subjects or settings). How the qualitative researcher protect against these potential biases and to enhance the rigor of the findings. 12

Best Ethical Practices Data collection involves : Consent & Agreement Respect the interviewees: The person you are interviewed or studying on should be informed: Research purpose/questions /schedule What is expected from him/her/company, including the amount of time and form of activities likely to be required for participation How confidentiality will be protected, anonymity Expected benefits/risks, psychological/social Name/contact information of the researcher to be contacted for questions related to the research Those who participated the research should share in the benefits of the knowledge gained. 13

Homework 1) Personal review on Quantitative research methods 10 mins presentation to tell us 1) what are they and 2) in what ways they are relevant to your own research. 14

Reference and Further Readings  Denzin N.K., Lincoln Y.S. (eds.) (2000) Handbook of Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications.  Yin, R.K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sages Publications.  Bernard H.R. (1995) Research Methods in Anthropology, 2 nd ed. London: Sage Publications. 15