WEB-BASE APPLICATION TESTING Group leader: D1:Phạm Bá Thuần D2:Liễu Quang Tín D3: D4:Hoàng Quốc Minh Trung D5:Phạm Danh Group: D Seminar Software Testing – Group D 1 Teacher: Lâm Quang Vũ Trần Duy Hoàng
Content I.Overview II.Web Application Testing III.Q&A Seminar Software Testing – Group D 2
I.Overview Web testing is the name given to software testing that focuses on web applicationsnamesoftware testingweb applications Seminar Software Testing – Group D 3
I.Overview To solve address issues before the system is revealed to the publicsolve address issues To solve issues such as the security of the web application, the basic functionality of the sitesolve issuessecuritybasic functionality To ready for large number of user and access with hight bandwidthreadylarge Seminar Software Testing – Group D 4
I.Overview Large varied user base Business environment Locales Testing environments Security Browsers Compability Firewall Intranet and Internet based Applications Network Speed Seminar Software Testing – Group D 5
II. Web Application Testing Seminar Software Testing – Group D 6 1. Link checker 2. Cookies-Javscript Testing 3. Web Browser 4. Load Test And Stress Test 5. Web Service Testing
1.Link checker Seminar Software Testing – Group D 7 A tool or online service that is usedtoolonline service to test and report on the validity of the hypertexttestreport links on the pages in a Web site
1.Link checker Seminar Software Testing – Group D 8 Link Checker Pro(30 day trial) LinkTiger(15 day trial) W3C Link Checker(Free) Google Webmaster Tools(Free) LinkChecker by 2bone(Free) REL Link Checker Lite(Free) WebLight(Free) ....
1.Link checker Seminar Software Testing – Group D 9
2.Cookies-Javscript Testing A.Cookies Testing B.Session Timeout Testing C.JavaScript Testing Seminar Software Testing – Group D 10
A.Cookies Testing Cookies is small information stored in text file on user’s hard drive by web server.small information This information is later used by web browser to retrieve information from that machine retrieve information Seminar Software Testing – Group D 11
A.Cookies Testing To make sure that the cookies do not store confidential information.do not store confidential information To check the number of cookies usedcheck Make sure that the application maintains its efficiency when switched off or Accept cookies efficiency when switched off or Accept cookies Seminar Software Testing – Group D 12
A.Cookies Testing To check application response to the damaged cookies.checkdamaged cookies Make sure that cookies are stored and removed it to the pages on which it is expected and necessary.storedremoved Testing that cookies are working correctly in all browsers that will be used by application.working correctly Seminar Software Testing – Group D 13
A.Cookies Testing Disabling Cookies. Selective Rejecting Cookies. Corrupting Cookies. Cookies Encryption Seminar Software Testing – Group D 14
A.Cookies Testing This is probably the easiest area of cookie testing. Disable all cookies and attempt to use the site’s major features and functions. With cookies disabled, our testing job is somewhat reduced. Seminar Software Testing – Group D 15
A.Cookies Testing Start by deleting all cookies from our PC.deleting Analyze site cookie usage in advance and draw up a test plan. Analyze site cookie Detailing what cookies to reject/accept for each function. Detailing Seminar Software Testing – Group D 16
A.Cookies Testing Altering the data in the persistent cookies. Altering Allow the cookie to be modified. Allowmodified Selectively deleting cookies. Seminar Software Testing – Group D 17
A.Cookies Testing By using encryption of the cookie data. Sensitive information like usernames and passwords should been encrypted before it is sent to our computer. A case can certainly be made that certain types of sensitive data. Seminar Software Testing – Group D 18
A.Cookies Testing Check if the application is writing cookies properly or not. Checkproperly Test to make sure that no personal or sensitive data is stored in the cookie. If it is there in cookies, it should be in encrypted format.no personalsensitive dataencrypted If the application under test is a public website, there should not be overuse of cookies.should not Seminar Software Testing – Group D 19
A.Cookies Testing Close all browsers, delete all previously written cookies and disable the cookies from our browser settings. Closedeletedisable Set browser options to prompt whenever cookie is being stored/saved in your system. Setprompt Close all browsers windows and manually delete all cookies. Closemanually delete Seminar Software Testing – Group D 20
B.Session Timeout Testing The time-out period assigned to the Session object for the application. The time-out period assigned If the user does not refresh or request a page within the time-out period, the session ends. Seminar Software Testing – Group D 21
B.Session Timeout Testing 1 - Login into specific web application.Login 2 - Sleep that script for timing of one User sessionSleep 3 - Then perform some action on the page 4 - Observe the response of that action.Observe 5 - Application should show alert. If it is not then probably session is not ending properlyshow alert Seminar Software Testing – Group D 22
C.JavaScript Testing JavaScript is an interpreted language.interpreted language A simple programming language.simple programming Client side programming language. Client side Directly embedded into HTML page Directly embedded Seminar Software Testing – Group D 23
C.JavaScript Testing Web page doesn’t operate or work abnormally. Tested websites : Gmail, YouTube, VnExpress, Facebook, MediaFire Seminar Software Testing – Group D 24
C.JavaScript Testing Turn off before loading. Standard HTML: Seminar Software Testing – Group D 25
C.JavaScript Testing Turn off before loading. Seminar Software Testing – Group D 26
C.JavaScript Testing VnExpress : unable to load dynamic images. Facebook : unable to use like and comment functions MediaFire : Loading before turning off : Turning off before loading : unable to load Seminar Software Testing – Group D 27