1 MICE PM Report Phase One installations to date Problems with target & decay solenoid and rolling platforms Phase One remaining items Progress with Phase Two Project accommodation Non-MICE expenditure Don’t have time for a detailed status report, have a look at: MICE PSAG, 8 th October, 2008
2 Phase One Installations to date South shield wall: –It’s done! –Ready to install aluminium mezzanine (to support LH2 plant and Air conditioning), with false floor, next priority –North Shield wall support structure is complete –End November date for completion of Phase One heavy civil work still looks believable
3 Installations to date Main Hall PPS specification and plans have been agreed with ISIS and MICE End Jan 09 completion date for PPS Mound excavation and vacuum vents also complete, only needs landscaping now
4 Installations to date Progress with the beamline: –TOF0 now installed in DSA and cabled up but not tested –Noise pick-up problem with Beam profile monitors will be addressed in October shutdown (ISIS needs to be off) –Fixed beamstopper is made –Full sliding beamstopper at end of DSA is all made and has been dry-assembled – will be integrated during October shutdown –TOF1 still has problems with PMs – mid October delivery date looks impossible now. Maurizio Bonesini has promised to give detailed status report during October CM –No changes with KL or cKOV –Every endeavour to finish heavy civil work by end November – this dictates when tracker/readout can be integrated in Hall, effectively the start of step two –Diffuser is almost done at Oxford, but needs lower mass version of can end plate – comes to RAL 20 th November
5 Problems with Target & Decay Solenoid Target: –Weekly meetings organised for recovery of target –Jason Tarrant, new RAL engineer started –Magnetic measurements of actuator coils and parallel FEA study starting –Mechanical work will concentrate on refining shaft/bearing relationship –Goal is to get back to off-line test programme with ISIS to allow target operation 25 th Jan. Decay solenoid: –Nothing really new since last meeting, dates unchanged Rolling platform –Trouble with achieving flatness – sprung very badly in manufacture – not recoverable –Contractor has requested £15K contribution – need to discuss soon –Delivery date now 15 th December – regrettably not an embarrassment!
6 Phase One remaining items North Shield Wall: - about twelve plates fitted so far False floor –Order placed, again with Regal, completion by mid- November. Since last meeting need arisen for concrete reaction block for quench forces on floor – included with false floor order, all design work done. Anchor bolts being fitted now, but need to fill void between cellar infill and floor underside with concrete DSA roof and walkways –Solenoid platform installed, roof panels installed, railings and gate in fabrication, aim to install around DSA while ISIS running, subject to radiation survey.
7 Phase One remaining items Upgrade compressed air supply: –Compressor quotation underway, also circuit drawings –Estimate £12K Roof-extract fan –Somehow escaped from previous estimates – now know diameter – 450mm, fits existing hole in roof - good –Estimate £15K Fencing on R5.2 roof –Firm quote of £8K received, including approved access walkway across mound, still exploring ‘Well-Found Lab’ route for payment, but…..last minute change of height to 1.8m request from ISIS, so need to go round again –Estimate £10K Main Hall door upgrade - must do before December, as Hall-PPS critical, confirmed that BPG will meet the cost of door itself, but not surroundings – WFL? Quote in progress. RF refurbishment –Restoration/Installation costs - £30K, firm quote
8 Phase One Remaining items LH2 Installation: – September installation for prototype system will certainly slip to November/December 2008 – this is now confirmed –Two more safety reviews required: Hazop 2 review, by Serco, prototype control system needs to be finalised first Final safety review (RAL-ISIS-MICE) Both being organised by Jane Vickers & Mike Courthold for October –A concern: the same very overloaded group is responsible for: Decay solenoid Focus coils LH2 implementation
9 Progress with Phase Two Spectrometer Solenoids –Priority for modifications to vent pipework and Rad shield now shifted to magnet #2 – it becomes magnet #1 –MICE has decided to continue with field map at FNAL as per original plan –We get the first magnet early-mid Jan ‘09 –This defines step two start as early April ‘09 Coupling coils –Staffing problems at Harbin with subcontractors – now back on track, but probably six months’ delay –Productive design review at June CM, will follow up in October
10 Progress with Phase Two Focus Coils –Better progress with Tesla – they seem to have got the message regarding review preparation –Final design review scheduled for 3 rd November –Delivery dates still good
11 Project Accommodation We shortly have to vacate the R8 test area For the next four years, MICE will need a pre- integration/lab-space area at RAL We need: Three-phase supply Water Access to transport (3.5*3.5metre door) Crane – 5 tonnes –Need to start this discussion with RAL people; have already raised with Steve Quinton; is this correct approach?
Non-MICE Expenditure For Step Five, MICE needs 2MVA of electrical power Currently there is a marginal 1.2MVA Budget estimates received from Heather Loosemore for substation upgrade: Between £350 & 600K Lead time is two years Need to start worrying now! This and other items need to be WFL funded David Findlay has confirmed that no route to WFL exists through ISIS Meeting fixed with Sean Stuart (RAL Operations) for 16 th October as this seems the next logical step Need to start thinking of fall-back…… 12
Non-MICE expenditure Current list: –Substation upgrade…………..……..£600K –Roof fan…………………………..……£15K –Railings around roof……………..…£10K –Main door replacement work……..£20K Total …... £645K –Also need to fund refurbishment of LH2 control room, installation of racks, doorway and ventilation – estimate in progress, expect £30K –Painting & decorating of whole MICE hall – BPG will pay will confirm with Sean Stuart 13