By: Amy Shetler Blythe TD Teacher
Websites 3 rd Grade: g/releasedforms g/releasedforms g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath3 g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath3
Websites 4 th Grade: g/releasedforms g/releasedforms g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath4 g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath4
Websites 5 th Grade: g/releasedforms g/releasedforms g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/reading g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath5 g/eog/sampleitems/newcurmath5
Steps to Follow: Have a discussion with your child about what their EOG score was last year, what they need to get this year, and have them make a list of what areas they need to practice. Each night do questions on Study Island. Your goal should be to get all the ribbons for each subject before you take the EOG. Three times a week go to one of the goals on the practice items from the state website link (2 nd and 3 rd on the list), and practice.
Steps to Follow Continue: Make sure you are checking their work and asking them if they understand why they missed answers. If you notice your child is missing a skill consistently, please let me or their teacher know. The night before the test please make sure they get a good nights sleep. The morning of the test make sure they eat a healthy breakfast.