Connecting You With Your Customers! Montgomery Area Market Study Conducted by Thoroughbred Research Inc. for the Advertiser Company, Inc. For Educational Purposes Only - No part of this presentation may be copied or used without the express written consent of the Advertiser Company, Inc.
The Montgomery Advertiser can connect you with customers most likely to buy your goods and service.
The Montgomery Advertiser is Where People Turn When They are Ready To Make a Purchase Primary ad source (The Montgomery Advertiser is the top source among all categories) Source: Thoroughbred Research Inc Market Study 2008 Among those naming a mass medium
The Montgomery Advertiser is Where People Turn When They are Ready To Make a Purchase Source: Thoroughbred Research Inc Market Study 2008 Among those naming a mass medium 86.90% Primary ad source (The Montgomery Advertiser is the top source among all categories)
Our Best Customers Are Your Best Customers!
Key Audiences - Strong Market Segments For Readers Source: Thoroughbred Research Group 2008 Market Study These segments are more likely to read the paper on a weekly basis. For example, 64% of college educated adults who were surveyed read the paper at least once in a 7-day period.
The Montgomery Advertiser Reaches 83,200 Readers Daily And 154,200 Over Seven Days Source: Thoroughbred Research Group 2008 Market Study
The Montgomery Advertiser Reaches 68,300 Homeowners Daily And 123,900 Over Seven Days Source: Thoroughbred Research Group 2008 Market Study Audience Target: Homeowners
The Montgomery Advertiser Reaches 32,500 Adults with a College Degree Daily And 59,700 Over Seven Days Source: Thoroughbred Research Group 2008 Market Study Audience Target: College Educated
The River Region Will Continue To Be A Great Place To Do Business!
Tri-County Demographic Comparison Tri-County Area Alabama Population358,4024,676,967 Median Age % Family Households 69%71% % Under 1826%24% % Over 5530%26% % Own Residence71%73% Source: Claritas, 2008
In the last week, six of ten Tri-County adults read the Montgomery Advertiser. Call to learn how you can harness the unparalleled reach and penetration of the Montgomery Advertiser and the Advertiser Media Group’s portfolio of products.