Distributed System Lab.1 CSEP Meeting 2011/01/04
Distributed System Lab.2 VMITMN VMware Server VMware Server Console ver. 1.0.x : R1~R6, R11, R12, R : R8, R9, R13 VMware Server Web Access ver. 2.0.x Host Status cat Auto-reboot & floppy failed R7 O.S. different R10 boot failed
Distributed System Lab.3 CSS Plan2 Based on XenServer Controlled by XenCenter & Web UI 6 Server & all in one block (one switch?) API: Connect to the API server Invoke command client Format: client Priority: shutdown, force shutdown, Start, Restart, New VM (Import) Example: List all instance (UUID List) Client vm-list admin
Distributed System Lab.4 Notes Hadoop Note the access permissions for more users XenServer The image must in the same storage (NFS, NAS)
Distributed System Lab.5 Q & A Thank you!