Regional Committee for DM 9 th Annual Consultation June 8 – 10, 2015 Abidjan, Cote d’ Ivoire Lesson Learned from the EVD Outbreak
Introduction The first confirmed case was reported in March 2014 in Foya. The LNRCS was in full gear for 2014 programs implementation with full support for RFL activities from the ICRC.
RFL Response Before the outbreak and up to July, normal RFL activities were going on in Refugee camps and host communities. In August of 2014, programs activities were suspended to focus on Ebola response 100%. In September, phones calls services were launched, following the assessment feedback from Cote D’Ivoire for refugees and host communities.
RFL Response The Liberia page update, placed on hold field activities (security and preventive measures), however, TRs were still received. Focal persons of RFL at field level and HQ were conducting training on Contact tracing, PSS, social mobilization The resumption of full RFL activities since March of 2015.
Dead Body Management
Signed MOU with MoH in July to take over DBM. Started with 8 teams and went up to twenty teams. Responsible to pick up bodies and transport to crematorium. The protocols were followed for the safety and security of the team and staff. Collected more than 2000 bodies in Montserrado.
Dead Body Management No staff and volunteers affected. Involved in the following areas: 1.Contact tracing 2.Social mobilization and awareness 3.Psycho-social support 4.Dead Body management 5.Food Distribution 6.Cash Assistance Program
Dead Body Management
Challenges Not prepared Learning the hard way was the order Performing multitasks, stress, Stigmatization Recovery Effective psycho-social programs Support for the recovery Implementation of normal programs
Merci Questions