Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Powerpoint Templates Science fiction Reasons for adoption Past and current developments Science fiction Reasons for adoption Past and current developments
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 I, Robot (2004) KITT Knight Rider ( ) Batmobil, Animated Batman
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 Greater flexibility You Destination
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 Greater flexibility Security 351’404 casualties According to: 3’447 deaths (Unfallopfer) Equivalent to 70% of the population of Luxembourg! Most caused by overestimation, drugs, fatigue, human error
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 Greater flexibility Security Advantages of public transport Cheap parking outside of City No searching for parking spaces Yet pickup on request Parking space outside a city Heathrow’s driverless taxi
Powerpoint Templates Page Daimler-Benz Project “Eureka Prometheus” “PROgraMme for a European Traffic of Highest Efficiency and Unprecedented Safety” 1 billion $ funding Largest “driverless car” project ever Ran out of budget in 1995 More at
Powerpoint Templates Page DARPA Challenges “ sponsor [..] research that bridges the gap between fundamental discoveries and military use” Funded by US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency Challenges for non-government companies Closed tracks or off-road More at
Powerpoint Templates Page 8 Google’s driverless car “Google believes, [they] have the potential to reduce yearly automobile deaths by half.” Developed by the StreetView team Worldwide top engineers (DARPA challenge winners) Currently lobbying for legal operation in Nevada, US
Powerpoint Templates Page 9 Use a car with a computer as driver? Buy a car you don’t have 100% control over? Spend more money on an automated car?
Powerpoint Templates Page 10 Powerpoint Templates Download at: English english_final.pptxhttp://