Waste Collection
Definitions. “Solid waste collection” means the act of removing solid waste from the central storage point of a primary generating source (such as a residence or business) to a place of solid waste disposal; “Solid waste disposal” means the orderly process of finally disposing of solid waste; and “Solid waste storage” means the interim containment of solid waste, in an approved manner, after generation and prior to collection and disposal.
Components of refuse collection A refuse collection service requires vehicles and labour. In order to deploy the vehicles and workers efficiently, a clear understanding of the three main components of refuse collection is necessary: 1. travel to and from the collection area; 2. the collection process (transfer of the wastes from storage to collection vehicles, and travel between successive collection points); and 3. the delivery process (transport of the contents of the vehicle to the processing or the disposal site).
During non-working hours, collection vehicles should be kept in a garage with enclosed parking space. The distance between the garage and the collection area. The slow speed of animal carts and handcarts requires the provision of closely spaced district depots.
The many methods of transferring wastes from storage to the collection vehicle fall into the following three main categories: 1. Direct emptying of a portable storage container into the vehicle, normally used when the vehicle can be positioned close to the containers. 2. Emptying of a portable storage container into a transfer container,which is then emptied into the storage compartment of the vehicle. 3. Transfer of loose wastes stored on the ground, which usually requires that the wastes be pushed or sweeped into the vehicle.
Municipal solid waste is collected in several ways: 1. House-to-House:. The user generally pays a fee for the service. 2. Community Bins: Users bring their garbage to community bins that are placed at fixed points in a neighborhood or locality. MSW is picked up by the municipality, or its designate, according to a set schedule. 3. Curbside Pick-Up: Users leave their garbage directly outside their homes according to a garbage pick-up schedule set with the local authorities (secondary house-to house collectors not typical).
4. Self Delivered: Generators deliver the waste directly to disposal sites or transfer stations, or hire third-party operators (or the municipality). 5. Contracted or Delegated Service: Businesses hire firms (or municipality with municipal facilities) who arrange collection schedules and charges with customers.
Policy and purpose. the purpose of regulation of the storage, collection, processing, recovery and disposal of solid waste in order to protect the public safety, health and welfare, and to enhance the environment of the people of the borough.
Collection of garbage, rubbish, and trash shall be on the day determined and specified by the borough or its authorized contractor. Items to be collected shall be placed within five feet of the route of the collection vehicle and shall be placed loose on the ground, on the day of collection only. If the premises are adjacent to more than one street or alley, the collection point for all garbage services shall be located on the same street or alley Access from the traveled way to the garbage, rubbish, and trash placed for collection shall be of a firm accessible route, free from obstacles and obstructions
General conditions of service A. No garbage, rubbish, or trash may be placed for collection or collected, disposed of in a manner that is unnecessarily offensive to any person or property. B. Vehicles utilized for the collection of garbage, rubbish, and trash shall be equipped with a reasonably tight container body and a suitable cover that will prevent filtration, blowing, or scattering of ashes, leaves, or debris, or loss of any material C. Vehicles used for the collection of garbage, rubbish, and trash shall be kept clean, well painted, and in good repair, and shall be thoroughly flushed and washed each day.
Services available A. The following categories of service are available under the system of collection and disposal provided by the borough: 1. Residential bag service shall be available within the corporate limits of the city to each residential unit occupied by related persons or by fewer unrelated persons, on a once-a-week basis. 2. Residential carryout service, consisting of collection of bagged garbage, rubbish, and trash from a location within or near to the dwelling unit, will be provided at a charge in addition to the charge for established residential bag service.
3. Residential dumpster service on a ratio of one dumpster to 10 to 15 dwelling units located within apartment buildings, trailer courts, and other locations where utilization of a centralized collection location is reasonably convenient to the customers, necessary to the efficient collection of garbage, rubbish, and trash; 4. Commercial bag service will be available to business premises on the basis of once per week. Services shall be limited to four 30-gallon bags or cans per collection.; and 5. Commercial dumpster service will be provided to business establishments with a collection frequency between one and seven times per week with dumpster capacities ranging from two to six cubic yards, as selected by the customer
B. Items such as beds, water heaters, furnaces, major appliances, and similar bulky household items discarded by individuals utilizing the established collection service should be taken directly to the landfill by the owner. C. The category of service to be provided and utilized, as well as the frequency of collection necessary to conform to the health requirements, shall be determined by the environmental engineer
Solid waste storage and containers All garbage, rubbish, and trash placed for collection shall be contained or secured by one of the following methods: A. In plastic bags having a minimum thickness of 2.0 mils and a maximum capacity of 30 gallons, securely tied and unbroken. The contents of each bag shall not weigh more than 30 pounds; B. In metal or plastic cans having a maximum capacity of 32 gallons, a maximum empty weight of 20 pounds, and a maximum loaded weight of 60 pounds. Cans and lids shall be maintained in good repair and shall exclude water;
C. Bulky items of trash may be secured in tied bundles not over 15 inches in diameter, 36 inches in length, and having a maximum weight of 30 pounds; D. Ashes, soot(carbonaceous compound), excrement(waste matter discharged from the body), and other objectionable and obnoxious material shall be placed in securely tied plastic bags and shall not be placed loose in cans; E. Garbage, rubbish, and trash accumulating between regularly scheduled collection days shall be stored in containers or locations which exclude dogs, cats, rats, rain, and snow and shall be protected in some manner so that the container will not be easily tipped by dogs or windstorms; F. Solid waste shall not be stored longer than the period between scheduled collections and/or a maximum of two weeks;