Developing a Tenancy Strategy - Managing the Strategic Relationship Nick Hooper Service Director – Strategic Housing
Deliver properties/tenures in shortage Make best use of stock, including empties Contribute to sustainable communities Prevention though early intervention/advice Improve the housing officer to better meet need Quality homes Increase independence through support My Home is My Springboard for Life – Strategic Outcomes
Use of social stock is directly related to wider housing market dynamics Strategic role –Influencing –Directing –Managing risk –Delivery Whole Systems View
Bristol Housing Partnership (social landlord forum) has long history Moved from information sharing to active collaboration –Common housing register –Joint CBL and common rehousing policy –Universal adaptations process Starting with History
Structuring the Relationship - Now Housing Strategy Allocations Policy CBL
Structuring the Relationship - Future Housing Strategy Tenancy Strategy Landlord Tenancy Policies & Business Plans Allocations Policy CBL
Aligned to Housing Strategy Contribute to balanced & sustainable communities Better meet need thro’ strategic use of stock Retain accommodation types in shortage Tackle overcrowding and underoccupation Maximise new delivery Meet needs of disabled people Tenancy Strategy - Objectives
Approach 2 stage process –Strategic Investment advice; spring 2011 (tying in with HCA processes) –Use of assets/meeting need; full Tenancy Strategy Stage 1 was agreed by all 4 West of England authorities Stage 2 driven by BHP project board
Compliance with quality standards Delivery must be accord with SHMA, Core Strategies and SPDs No public subsidy (s.106) sites will continue to deliver social rent Existing s.106 restrictions remain Asset sales must align with other policy objectives (balanced communities) In some cases conversions from social rent to affordable rent will be restricted Strategic Investment Guidance
Certainty in business planning No CLG guidance will be issued – so why wait! Set framework for allocations review Provides authoritative ‘strategic’ voice Why Now?
Flexible framework to guide social landlords and business plans Developed with, not imposed upon Balance between strategic and operational BHP project board – Strategic Housing-led, with HRA Landlord Services and 3 x RP’s Process
Advertising of properties ART conversions, including geography ART rent-setting Types of tenancy Fixed term tenancies Disabled adaptations Coverage
Need to understand and model implications of changes, especially affordable rent, flexible tenancies and HB changes Need to work with providers to manage the impacts of their business plan changes across the market, not just individually, to meet needs Monitoring and review Affordability Need a much more fine-grained approach to market analysis Critically, must take a whole market perspective in order to make better use of the homes we have got. In conclusion