CONTRACTS & GRANTS PROCESS AT A RESEARCH UNIVERSITY FSU ALUMNI CENTER MAY 7, 2015 Post Award Processes Angie Rowe Associate Director – Sponsored Research Administration
Agenda Post Award Activities Principal Investigator's (PI) Responsibilities Compliance Regulations Budget & Expenditure Monitoring Collaboration with Other Researchers at other institutions Cost Sharing Award Closeout 2
Post Award Activities Award documents have been executed Signed by appropriate institution official Award is to the Institution, not the PI Budget number assigned Cost sharing expenditure accounting Research can begin Adhere to scope of work Collaboration/subcontracting to other individuals/institutions Status reports Technical reports Payments will be held if not submitted timely 3
Post Award Activities Spending occurs Plan ahead to meet deadlines Personnel – Human Resources policies and procedures Non Personnel – Purchasing/Travel/Subcontract/Non PO policies and procedures Central Offices have role in reviewing allowability of expenditures 90 days prior to award end New funding increment? Request extension if needed/allowed Notify university grants officer in accordance with timelines established Billing/Collecting from agencies (central office responsibility) Financial reporting to agencies (central office responsibility) Amendments (SOW & Budgetary) Contracting Officer for grantor and grantee 4
Principal Investigator Responsibilities Understand agency rules/guidelines/restrictions Conduct work timely/professionally Comply with terms & conditions of award Ensure expenditures benefit the project and are in compliance with award Monitor budget vs. expenditure over life of project Ensure commitments are met including cost share requirements Obligations in proposals 2 months of PI’s effort/15% of PI time Must be met whether paid from award or not 5
Compliance Requirements Federal New Uniform Guidance effective December 26, 2014 Effective for new awards/increments (some exceptions) OMB Circulars applicable to University A-21 A-110 A-133 Compliance Criteria “Cost Principles” Direct Costs (personnel, lab supplies, travel) Reasonable Allocable Consistent treatment of costs Conform to limitations or exclusions Facilities & Administrative (F&A) Costs – aka indirect/overhead Negotiated rate with Feds applied to direct costs Agency specific requirements Terms and Conditions in award 6
Compliance Requirements Non Federal Terms and Conditions rule!! University policies and procedures Hot button issues frequently cited in audits Cost transfers onto or between projects – do it right the first time! Expenditures late in the project – using up available balance Cost share accounting/reporting Effort reporting processes Charging costs normally considered F&A directly to projects Allocation of costs, especially computers and equipment Burn rate – rate of spending on the project in relation to the time period of the award Foreign travel 7
Budget & Expenditure Monitoring Award is to the University…however PI responsible for ensuring expenditures benefit the project Timing of when personnel need to be appointed Timing of when supplies will be used Collaboration with subcontractor in accordance with SOW Periodic budget vs. actuals reports Ensure anticipated expenditures are charged to project Review for accuracy of expenditures that post to project Rate of expenditures reasonable for pace of research progress 8
Collaboration with Other Researchers University governing policy and procedure Often included in proposal Institution approval vs. researcher Participates in research vs. provider of goods/services Subrecipient vs. Vendor Starts with pre award Standard agreement Incorporates Federal requirements when appropriate 9
Cost Sharing Costs not borne by the sponsor Costs must meet “cost principles” Directly benefit the project Types allowed: Personnel Non Personnel Unrecovered Overhead (with agency approval) 3rd party Included in proposal must account for cost share expenditures Reporting may be required Cost share amount NOT met may reduce award amount proportionately 10
Award Closeout SOW complete and final reports submitted Expenditures are complete: All charges incurred during project period are posted Avoid late cost transfers Avoid late cost transfers Charges posted allowable Subcontractor SOW complete Final invoice processed timely Effort reported for amount of time expended on project Commitments met Funded or not funded by award Funded or not funded by award 11