통신이론 및 실험 (INC )
강의 계획 강의자 : 임대운 전화 : , 강의시간 : 월요일 오후 5 시 교재 –S. Haykin and M. Moher, Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications, 2 nd ed. Wiley. 부교재 –S. Haykin, Communication Systems, 4 th ed. Wiley. –J. G. Proakis and M. Salehi, Communication Systems Engineering, 2 nd ed. Prentice Hall. 강의 slide: 매 수업시간 전에 e-class 에 업로드
성적 평가 구분배점비고 중간 30 필기시험 기말 35 필기시험 퀴즈 20 4회4회 과제 10 수업 시작 전 교탁에 제출 출석 5 결석 1 회당 1 점 감점, 6 회 이상 결석시 F 학점
교과목 이수 체계도
통신관련 교과목 INC2025 정보통신수학및실습 (2 학년 1 학기 ) –Complex number, Fourier analysis INC2021 확률및랜덤프로세스 (2 학년 2 학기 ) INC4056 통신이론및실험 (3 학년 1 학기 ) –Fourier transform, analog comm., introduction to digital comm. INC4062 디지털통신및실험 (3 학년 2 학기 ) –Fundamental of digital comm., passband modulation, channel coding INC4070 무선통신및실험 (4 학년 1 학기 ) –Digital comm., wireless, channel, diversity, cellular, CDMA, OFDM INC4076 고급디지털통신 (4 학년 2 학기 ) –Digital comm. or advanced topics * INC4055 신호와시스템 (3 학년 1 학기 ) * INC4061 디지털신호처리 (3 학년 2 학기 )
주별 강의 일정 주강의주제 1Introduction, Overview of Analog Communication 2The Fourier Transform 3 Properties of the Fourier Transform The Inverse Relationship Between Time and Frequency 4 Dirac Delta Function Fourier Transforms of Periodic Signals Transmission of Signals through Linear Systems: Convolution Revisited 5 Ideal Low-pass Filters Correlation and Spectral Density 6 Amplitude Modulation Virtues, Limitations, and Modifications of Amplitude Modulation 7DSB-SC, Costas Receiver, QAM, SSB 8 VSB Baseband Representation of Modulated Waves and Band-Pass Filters 9Midterm Exam.
주별 강의 일정 주강의주제 10 Basic Definition of Angle Modulation Properties of Angle-Modulated Waves Relationship between PM and FM Waves 11Narrow-Band Frequency Modulation 12Wide-Band Frequency Modulation 13 Transmission Bandwidth of FM Waves Generation of FM Waves Demodulation of FM Signals 14Pulse Modulation 15Baseband Data Transmission 16Final Exam.
Communication is the activity of conveying information. Communication requires a sender, a message, and an intended recipient. Thus communication can occur across vast distances in time and space. Applications –AM and FM radio, television, wireless communications, satellite communications, deep-space communications, telephony, data storage, Internet, and quite a few others
Homework #01, #02 Uploaded in web board HW#01: Differentiation problems –33 problems (no. = 1, 4, 7,…, 97) –Due: 3/12, 5 p.m. HW#02: Integration problems –33 problems (no. = 1, 4, 7,…, 97) –Due: 3/19, 5 p.m. Quiz#01 –10 out of 200 problems –Date: 3/26 5 p.m.