Plot Lines and Conflict March 29, 2012
Objective C.O.: Students will be able to identify two different plot devices and five plot stages. L.O.: Students will discuss information with peers and teachers.
What is a Plot Line? A plot line is a representation of the events of the story. –We will be using a six point style plot line 1) Exposition 2) The Narrative Hook 3) The Rising Action 4) The Climax 5) The Falling Action 6) The Resolution
Exposition The introductory material –Who is the protagonist? –Where are they from? –How do they behave? Ex.) Harry Potter lives with his uncle, aunt, and cousin In a cupboard under the stairs.
The Narrative Hook Grabs your attention –Interjection –Exciting event –Exciting dialogue Hagrid finds Harry on his 11 th birthday and tells him that he is a wizard.
The Rising Action All the build up in the story to what is important –Usually a series of at least three events –Helps build up tension and suspense Exs.) Harry and friends find Fluffy. They learn of the Sorcerers Stone. They enter the trials to finding the stone.
The Climax The single most important event of the story –OMG! moment Professor Quirrell takes off his turban and Harry faces Voldermort for the first time!
The Falling Action What happens as a result of the climax –How do the characters react? –How does this change the story? –What happens next? Harry is in the hospital wing and Dumbledore explains what happened after Harry passed out.
The Resolution The end. Everything goes back to normal. –What is the end result of your story? –How do the characters move on? Harry and his friends win the House Cup and then travel back home for the summer Vacation.
Plot Devices An object or character whose purpose is to advance the story. –Magical item –Character who is vital, but not necessarily considered a main character Exs.) The Sorcerers Stone
Conflict Man vs. Man: Harry and Draco fight. Man vs. Nature: Harry and Ron narrowly escape the Whomping Willow. Man vs. Himself: Harry has to decide whether or not to use occlemency to protect himself from Voldermort.