We at Wizmore Communications Pvt. Ltd. create, conceive & execute the “Marketing & Communication Solutions’’ both special and tailor-made ATL & BTL efforts for our clients.We have all the necessary skills and expertise required to manage the special Outdoor campaigns, Sales Promotion, events, exhibitions, conferences, consumer events, corporate-events, promotional activities and theme parties. Due to strong commitments & enthusiasm, we have been able to get projects from some of the biggest names in the Event & Corporate Industry. Who we are…
Wizmore Communications Pvt. Ltd. is a media planning and buying company accredited by Doordarshan and All India Radio. Led by first generation Management professionals the company believes in setting high standards and insuring its attainment through hard work and dedication. The company specialises in planning/buying all sorts of media (Print, Digital, Television, Radio, and Outdoor). The company stresses on proper research and specific tools (TAM, IRS, etc.). Understanding the target Group, budgets, product USP, possibilities of innovations in order to make the campaign a success, avoiding any kind of spill over. Due to strong commitments, enthusiasm and expertise, WIZMORE has been able to get projects from some of the biggest names in the Industry. Introduction
WOW (Wizmore Outdoor Wing) WOW specialises in planning, buying, executing any form outdoor media campaign strategically. WOW is always on the lookout of finding innovations possibilities in the outdoor media thereby making the campaign stand apart from rest of the clutter. WE (Wizmore Events) WE specialises in conceiving, planning, executing all kinds of events (exhibitions, conferences, consumer events, corporate-events, promotional activities, theme parties, road show etc.) What The Hell? is an ideas shop/advertising agency. Always eager to work with people who are looking to do brilliant things to their brand/s.
Media Planning & Buying
Media Planning & Buying
Outdoor Advertising
Planning & Executing entire outdoor or visibility campaign Understanding the TG & Product USPs Identifying the media as per budget, channel presence & TG Identifying the Innovation possibilities Executing on time, proper monitoring & reporting. Strategic Outdoor Campaigns Outdoor Advertising
Outdoor Advertising
Events Promotions & Activations
TECHNICAL: Video Communication Report Online Video Edit, Recording Light, FX, Sound and AV Projection Design & Execution SFX via Laser Format, Pyre-Techniques. GROUND ACTIVATION: Promotion Management Road-show Design & Execution Flyer / Sales Incentive Design & Distribution Sampling Venue, Vendor and Talent Database, Institutional Tie-ups [Schools, Colleges, Clubs, Restaurants, Popular Hangouts, Night-clubs]. Technical & Ground Activation Events Promotions & Activations
Events Promotions & Activations